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The Game, tOSU at ttun, Nov. 27th,12pm FOX (3654 down to 0)

Agreed but the freshman Stroud against good defenses should be expected……because he actually IS A FRESHMAN who never took a pass before this year.
Freshman Braxton won a game with one completion. And missed posey to prevent an 18 year streak of wins.

Troy wasn't even a kick returner yet.

Pryor was exciting but pretty raw. Same the year after.

Justin was doing little, except a botched fake punt. Assuming you count OSU as year 2. Even if you treat OSU as year 1, he was not the same QB as he became in 2020.

Dwayne was way down the depth chart.

CJ has more to earn, but is light years ahead of everyone not named Justin (depending on how/when you count their first years)
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One more time, with feeling. Less than 50 minutes away, ladies and gents.

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Freshman Braxton won a game with one completion. And missed posey to prevent an 18 year streak of wins.

Troy wasn't even a kick returner yet.

Pryor was exciting but pretty raw. Same the year after.

Justin was doing little, except a botched fake punt. Assuming you count OSU as year 2. Even if you treat OSU as year 1, he was not the same QB as he became in 2020.

Dwayne was way down the depth chart.

CJ has more to earn, but is light years ahead of everyone not named Justin (depending on how/when you count their first years)

I hope people can keep this in context no matter what happens today (I know some will, but a lot won't).

I think he's going to be just fine. He's grown through the season so I don't expect full on Freshman Stroud but this is the best defense he's faced besides Penn State so I don't expect a full on Heisman performance either.

Be good enough to win The Game. That's all anyone can ask and I think he's up to it.
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Keep bringing xore tokens out there to pick Bichigan.

ARod, thats what XcNamarra's passes are going to look like today also. I love it. Everyone on that stage picking Bichigan. :beer:

Playing to the crowd, and wanting to be "right" when TTUN finally wins again. Picking the Bucks is cliche' at this point.

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Agreed but the freshman Stroud against good defenses should be expected……because he actually IS A FRESHMAN who never took a pass before this year.
Agreed, but if we get Freshman Stroud today, there's a strong possibility that we lose.

One more thing: I'm not looking for Stroud to put up Heisman numbers today. I don't care what his stat line reads. I just want the big W in the win column.
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