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The Game, tOSU at ttun, Nov. 27th,12pm FOX (3654 down to 0)


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One of my first posts. It's still true today. I did update the number of years.

My story

:osu2: :osu2:
My first memory was of a guy named Hopalong who played running back for a team called ?the Buckeyes?. By the end of the season I was hooked. I was determined to play football for Mr. Hayes and the Ohio State Buckeyes. Even though that never happened I am today a Buckeye through and through. The radio and Sunday newspapers were all I had and needed back then. Now I am lost without my tapes, CD?s, and dvd?s.
I remember them all. The all Americans, the walk ons, the scout teams, These were the players who actually got to play on the Sacred ground we all wished we could have played on, and whom we all wish could be , or could have been. I remember the coaches, the cheerleaders, and Brutus. Is there any better ?rush? created in the world than by this excitment?
Woody Hayes , a greater man never lived. He was/is the hero of my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. I have heard him speak, and he was mesmerizing no matter what the subject. I lived thru his good times and the not so good times. I could always depend on him being ?Woody?.
I remember the music. Script Ohio, Oh to be able to ?dot the I?. All the songs and music that bring instant elation to my heart and a bounce in my step. I remember the ?buckeye grove?, being in St. Johns to watch the band, the band coming to the rotunda. ?Across the field? with it?s instant jump start. Arriving 1 ½ to 2 hours early and sitting just watching the preliminaries and warm ups, and sitting on the edge of my seat all the while.
I remember the way the ?Shoe? slowly comes into view while heading south, just the sight always got me primed. The crowds of fans in their scarlet and grey and black and white. The anticipation on their faces as the hurry and scurry along. The tailgate parties and good fellowship which abounded. And the cheers of the crowds.
All this before the first snap of the first game each year.
There is a lot to remember in 68 years of being a Buckeye fan.

:osu3: :osu3: :osu3: :osu3: :osu3:"
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