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The Game, tOSU at ttun, Nov. 27th,12pm FOX (3654 down to 0)

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I don’t know if this has been posted yet, I heard yesterday that Detroit News reporter Angelique Chengelis was saying there could be as many as 30,000 - 40,000 Buckeye fans in the Big House today. That seems kind of hard to believe and we won’t know until we see the live broadcast. But if even close to being true then that’s a really big deal.

It’s Thanksgiving weekend so you figure a lot of students are going to be home for the holiday. And maybe there are a lot of fans who just aren’t to optimistic about Harbaugh’s chances.

We’ll have to wait and see. But a good O-H-I-O chant going around their stadium would be pretty sweet. Hopefully every Wolverine fan who sold their tickets in doubt did so for good reason.
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I don’t know if this has been posted yet, I heard yesterday that Detroit News reporter Angelique Chengelis was saying there could be as many as 30,000 - 40,000 Buckeye fans in the Big House today. That seems kind of hard to believe and we won’t know until we see the live broadcast. But if even close to being true then that’s a really big deal.

It’s Thanksgiving weekend so you figure a lot of students are going to be home for the holiday. And maybe there are a lot of fans who just aren’t to optimistic about Harbaugh’s chances.

We’ll have to wait and see. But a good O-H-I-O chant going around their stadium would be pretty sweet. Hopefully every Wolverine fan who sold their tickets in doubt did so for good reason.
That's been the case for years now. We played in a tougher environment in Lincoln by far than we will today.
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