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Game Thread THE GAME, tOSU at TSUN, Sat Nov 26th, Noon ET, ABC/ESPN

Bestbuck36;2047192; said:
Holding call right there would have been nice.

Again mishandling the clock situation.

Awesome edition of The Game going on here again. No doubt its the best rivalry in sports.

I am fine with no timeout. Just as much can go wrong on a punt as a big play (especially if you try to make a big play). Plus not much time to drive down the field, and could be a turnover.
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1st half thoughts:

  • Brax--once he finds consistency...look out. Maybe he will have an offense tailored to him next year :wink:
  • Posey...different season if he did not have the extra 5 games.
  • LBs--Shazier is our best on one leg. Is Grant that far off that he can't even get some snaps?
  • Offensive playcalling has been as good as it has been all year. Solid mix and many opportunities created but not seized. The 2nd half will tell the tale as Mattison makes some adjustments...we'll see what tOSU's staff comes up with. Hopefully, Stoney is included in that...
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Bucky Katt;2047195; said:
Nothing personal, but I hope you die from alcohol poisoning this afternoon.

Question for you, oh wise one. Why didn't the refs use UM's timeout for the injury stoppage?

I'm not sure - because they suck?

He trots 15 yards, and then has to take a knee 2 steps from the sideline because he got something in his eye? GMAFB.

The refs shouls have called a TSUN timeout and sprayed him with some Midol.
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