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Game Thread THE GAME, tOSU at TSUN, Sat Nov 26th, Noon ET, ABC/ESPN

Pretty sure I'm gonna have this sick feeling in my stomach till we win.
Same feeling.

The hate is there, but the confidence in the result is not...and it fucking sucks.

Everyone that wanted this series to "be competitive" and see tsun get back to being good, remember this shitty feeling- and remember what kind of shitty feeling it is to actually lose to them. That year-long feeling. I do not want that feeling.

Fuck Michigan!
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OHSportsFan9;2042532; said:
Everyone that wanted this series to "be competitive" and see tsun get back to being good, remember this shitty feeling- and remember what kind of shitty feeling it is to actually lose to them. That year-long feeling. I do not want that feeling.


A thousand times this.

If your fingers ever pecked out a "I want them to be good again for the sake of the rivalry" line then here it comes. Fucking enjoy.
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Fans need to realize that we have (in a completely relative sense) nothing to lose here... lose, and it's just part of what (will hopefully be) the blip, write-off season in between two tremendous runs... win and we get to fuck those scum motherfuckers' season in the ass with a mace.

Fuck those pieces of shit.
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I don't know about everyone else, but this is the type of year I really hate these fuckers more than many recent ones...they knew they were inferior and were going to get it handed to them the past 2 or 3 seasons, but now, they think they are better and have the home field advantage...and don't mind chirping to prove it. A win this season will be more satisfying to me than the 42-7 beatdowns when we were really good and they were buttpaste (those asskickings were fun too, but...)
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OHSportsFan9;2042532; said:
Same feeling.

The hate is there, but the confidence in the result is not...and it [censored]ing sucks.

Everyone that wanted this series to "be competitive" and see tsun get back to being good, remember this [Mark May]ty feeling- and remember what kind of [Mark May]ty feeling it is to actually lose to them. That year-long feeling. I do not want that feeling.

[censored] Michigan!

Work-related, I had to be in a Polaris-area Kroger the last time scum won. Bad enough that they did (Bucks were in line to return to the NC if they won). but some [censored]Xinfinity employee was on Kroger's PA system, freakin' gloating and whooping it up about scum winning. Eight years, and I'd still like to do bodily harm to that creep. Haven't forgiven Kroger's for it yet, either. :grr:

I'd like to think my low expectations for this year would somehow buffer a loss on Saturday, but, remembering that day from '03, the thought makes me want to preemptively upchuck my Thanksgiving dinner.
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MililaniBuckeye;2042505; said:
Our LBs and DBs had better shore it up Saturday, or [Mark May] could get ugly real fast...

I'd like to see 4 down linemen, Shazier, and 6 DBs.

Let's not forget, the "impossible to defend" Denard has gone against tOSU twice already and lost.

We can do it again.

I was there for Earle's last game. The game turned when we knocked the crap outta the scUM QB. Then Carlos snow took a screen (what's a screen? Jim Bollman asks) 67 yards for a TD early in the second half.

I think Spielman had 112 tackles that day.

Earle II, the Sequel, starring Luke Fickell
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OHSportsFan9;2042532; said:
Same feeling.

The hate is there, but the confidence in the result is not...and it [censored]ing sucks.

Everyone that wanted this series to "be competitive" and see tsun get back to being good, remember this [Mark May]ty feeling- and remember what kind of [Mark May]ty feeling it is to actually lose to them. That year-long feeling. I do not want that feeling.

[censored] Michigan!
That. That right there is what makes this rivalry great.
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[censored] Michigan. [censored] everything about them. [censored] their Flintstone coach too. [censored] all of them.

Denard will find a shoelace up his ass saturday night, and that will be the best thing he's seen the entire day.
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Nicknam4;2042651; said:
[censored] Michigan. [censored] everything about them. [censored] their Flintstone coach too. [censored] all of them.

Denard will find a shoelace up his ass saturday night, and that will be the best thing he's seen the entire day.

I can't wait to see that fuckers face when he has to wind his bitch ass clock back up to 365 days after he loses his first of many game vs "Ohio". :oh:
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