Need some help on making a decision for Saturday.
I am thinking of going to the noon showing of the new Twilight movie since the crowds should have abated somewhat by then.
I know I would miss the OSU game, and have never seen any of the other Twilight movies or read any of the books. Nor am I a fan of the genre.
But still I am finding it a tough call.
Can we come out ready to play? We have spotted our opponents 10 points in each of the past three weeks. We have lost two straight against inferior opponents while we still had a chance for the Big Ten title. Players comments about wanting to win one for Fick are just rhetoric. And do we really expect Bollman to pull some heroic offensive game plan out of his rear for his Big Ten swan song?
Michigan will be emotional, confident and at home. They have a QB who can make folks miss going against a D whose tackling skills continue to regress. This will be the loudest and likely largest crowd in the history of their cess pool of a stadium. However much their D may struggle they can't compete with the ineptness of our O. Anyone thinking with their head would give 14 points and bet on the home team.
So yeah, I will probably opt for the movie.
But only because my heart wont be able to stand it when we pull off the upset.