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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)


Ohio State Prediction: This one?s all wrapped up

(with a bow tie on top)

By JON SPENCER ? NNCO ? November 20, 2008

As if his nerdy wardrobe wasn?t enough of a punch line, Ohio State president E. Gordon Gee had everyone in stitches in 1992 when he proclaimed a 13-13 tie with Michigan ?our greatest victory.?
Compared to Gee?s choice of neckwear, that tie actually was kind of bland.

It just took the arrival of Wolverine killer Jim Tressel for this Orville Redenbacher lookalike and bow tie aficionado to realize it.

?We?re talking about the Ohio State-Michigan rivalry,? Gee said. ?Jim Tressel is an OSU guy. He bleeds scarlet and gray. He understands the values of this institution and this state. He understands what it takes for this football team to represent this state.?

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OSU football: Rivalry leaves mark

By JON SPENCER ? For The Advocate ? November 20, 2008

It took former Ohio State football coach John Cooper seven years to get his first win against Michigan. Afterwards he celebrated into the wee hours of the morning -- whether he wanted to or not.
Our staff spent the night on the town with fans and alumni," then-offensive line coach Lee Owens said, reflecting on that 22-6 victory in 1994. "We got coach Cooper out of bed at 3 a.m. I called him and told him the guys were coming over.
"There probably would not have been too many other times he'd open his door to us at that time of night."
Owens, in his fifth season as head coach at Ashland University, saw the Michigan rivalry from every angle in his three seasons at OSU -- win, lose and tie.
"As a head coach, I've made mention of that rivalry all the time," he said. "I haven't been able to watch the game very often the last several years, but once you're part of something like that, it's always ingrained in you."

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'D' dooms Wolverines
Veteran-laden unit's play hasn't matched Michigan's expectations
Thursday, November 20, 2008 3:10 AM
By Bill Rabinowitz


It was supposed to be the unit that kept Michigan's season from collapsing.
Sure, people expected the offense to struggle. The cupboard was bare after the departures of offensive tackle Jake Long -- the No. 1 overall pick in the NFL draft -- quarterback Chad Henne, running back Mike Hart, and receivers Mario Manningham and Adrian Arrington. Factor in a new offense under first-year coach Rich Rodriguez and inexperienced quarterbacks, and it's no surprise Michigan has gained the fewest yards in the Big Ten.
But the unexpectedly poor performance of the defense has contributed just as much to Michigan's dismal season.
In Lloyd Carr's 13 seasons as coach, the Wolverines surrendered 40 points or more in only three games. They have done that three times this season.

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Despite record, 'The Game' might actually be a game

November 20, 2008

It's that week again - the week of "The Game."
Ohio State and Michigan will face off Saturday at Ohio Stadium in the 105th meeting of the storied rivalry that originated in 1897 and has featured some of college football's most storied games, players and coaches.
But some don't think much of the rivalry this year.
Michigan, at 3-8, comes into "The Game" with the worst season in the school's history. Under new coach Rich Rodriguez, the Wolverines also found out earlier this week two key offensive players probably won't play Saturday.

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Enmity at its greatest

November 20, 2008

COLUMBUS ? It?s been voted the greatest rivalry in all of sports by ESPN.
Legends have roamed both sidelines. Dominant performances have dotted the landscape in every decade.

For Ohio State fans there has been ecstasy (1919, 1934, 1935, 1944, 1961, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1975, 1979, 1998, 2002 and 2006), agony (1926, 1950, 1964, 1969, 1977, 1980, 1986, 1993, 1995, 1996 and 2000), and confusion (1973).

And although Michigan?s dismal season has dimmed the glare on this year?s clash, passions will be high again when the two sides collide on Saturday at Ohio Stadium.

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November 20, 2008

No. 1: Lose the turnover battle

Why not? Winning it, considered one of the staples of victory, hasn?t helped Michigan the last three years.
The Wolverines have lost all three games despite being plus-six in the takeaway-giveaway department. Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor hasn?t committed a turnover in the two games since his game-changing fumble in the loss to Penn State, but there?s hope for the Wolverines. The ghost of Beanie Past made an appearance last week when he fumbled as the Buckeyes were driving for a score. Plus, there?s a possibility Ray Small might be back for OSU from his two-game suspension. He?s as capable of muffing a punt as taking one back all the way.

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Michigan Prediction: Michigan?s grim tale has a chapter left

By JOSH HACHAT ? NNCO ? November 20, 2008

Wait, this is all a dream, isn?t it?
I?ll wake up tomorrow and Michigan will suddenly become relevant again, right? Please?

I?m not sure how many more years I or anyone who claims allegiance to Michigan can take. On the heels of the most disappointing Michigan season in my existence comes merely the worst in the program?s existence.

Yeah, this isn?t fun.

Michigan isn?t supposed to lose eight games. I mean, there?s a better chance Appalachian State could beat Michigan than the Wolverines lose eight games.

Oh, whoops.

How about this ? there?s a better chance Toledo could beat Michigan than the Wolverines lose eight games.

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UM's Taylor has plans for Wells
Senior defender 0-3 against OSU

ANN ARBOR - If Ohio State running back Chris "Beanie" Wells doesn't know what a suplex is, he should ask Northwestern counterpart Stephen Simmons.

Or, he could just wait for Michigan defensive tackle Terrance Taylor to show him.

Taylor, who is listed at 308 pounds, scooped up the ball-carrying, 185-pound Simmons last week and slammed him to the turf. The move is commonly known as a suplex.

Asked on Monday if he had a similar smackdown planned for Wells, Taylor said: "You watch, you might see a little something if I get the opportunity."

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Rich Rodriguez coached by many on OSU-Michigan tradition


Rich Rodriguez didn't make any brash statements about beating Ohio State when he became Michigan's coach in December 2007.
That didn't mean he lacked an understanding of the fierce football rivalry that ends each team's Big Ten season. Some think Rodriguez hasn't fully embraced the rivalry as Jim Tressel did when he replaced John Cooper as Ohio State's coach in 2001.
In Tressel's first speech, he told the Columbus faithful they would be proud of the players in the classroom and community, and "most especially in 310 days in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the football field."
Ohio State beat Michigan in 2001, and Tressel has left the field a victor in six of seven meetings against the Wolverines.

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Bucky Katt;1331458; said:
Shit, shit. shit.

What the fuck is wrong with me.

I'm wearing a navy blue sweater and khakis. Jesus Christ. It's fucking *ichigan week and I'm wearing a close approximation of their ugly-ass colors. :bonk:

Looks like I'm working the rest of the day in my boxers and undershirt. :pimp:

Gray slacks, light gray t-shirt, red OSU sweatshirt today. Much, much better.

I may strip to my underwear again, anyways. It's exhilarating.
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OSUBasketballJunkie;1332229; said:

ANN ARBOR - If Ohio State running back Chris "Beanie" Wells doesn't know what a suplex is, he should ask Northwestern counterpart Stephen Simmons.

Or, he could just wait for Michigan defensive tackle Terrance Taylor to show him.

Taylor, who is listed at 308 pounds, scooped up the ball-carrying, 185-pound Simmons last week and slammed him to the turf. The move is commonly known as a suplex.

Asked on Monday if he had a similar smackdown planned for Wells, Taylor said: "You watch, you might see a little something if I get the opportunity."


Thanks to this article I have finally envisioned a way we could lose this game!

Taylor could attempt to suplex Beanie (although I bet the extra 50+ pounds and the stiff-arm make that a bit harder). Regardless, lets say that happens. I would imagine that our OL would come to his defense and while Alex Boone is up in his face talking smack, Pryor tackles Taylor and starts pounding on him. The officials then throw Taylor and our entire OL and Pryor out of the game and somehow Beanie's hurt. Then...


I still have us winning by 3.

Never mind. I forgot...

M!ch!g@n still sucks!
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'Tis the season...

Twas the night before game time, And all round the shoe,
Not a creature was sleeping, They were screaming Beat Blue.
The banners were hung by the lamp posts with care
In hopes that St. Pryor would find Robiskie through the air.

Drunken and crazy and burning their beds,
While visions of kick off danced through their heads.
When all of the sudden there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the keg to see what was the matter.
When there in the sky, in a Coupe DeVille sleigh,
Was Woody Hayes decked out in scarlet and gray.

He looked on the crowd that was gathered around,
And said that he heard that a game was in town.
I came here to watch it, and wish you good luck.
Though it's not like you need it, 'cause Michigan sucks!
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