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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

Rivals.com (Free)

Season to Forget..............by Ari Wasserman.

Rivals.com$ (Ari Wasserman)

Does Rich Rod Get it?...................Discussion of if Rich completely understands the game like Coach Tressel or is he more of a John Cooper.

Rivals.com$ (Kevin Noon)

Bucks not buying into 3-8 record...........Buckeyes are preparing for a much better Michigan team than their record reflects.

Rivals.com$ (Brandon Castel)

Behind enemy lines: Can Michigan compete?.................discussion of why Michigan has struggled.
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The End Zone: OSU-UM game too big?

This is probably the wrong week to ask the question, but has this game gotten too big? We know all about Woody and Bo, and the gold pants Buckeyes players are awarded for winning, and the ceremonial burning of stained sofas by Ohio State students, win or lose. Ohio State vs. Michigan has more rituals associated with it than a house call by a Haitian witch doctor. But is it too much?

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scarletngray;1332417; said:
48 hours until beatdown occurs......


Living in Toledo, we have part of the city leaning Blue. All week I hear about how it's there bowl game, they have everything to gain, their off-season improves if they win blah blah blah...

The other half of the city is scarlet and gray...that's where I sit, the Buckeye flag flies proudly on the front of my house, emails get passed daily with Buckeye favorites, and the Buckeye spirit runs deep.

Let the beatdown begin, let's make it scUMs worst season ever. Let RR feel the wrath of the Buckeyes. Let's get this game on and relish in the victory. Let's see 48 points on the board and leave no questions about the strength of this team as they go into post season. Have fun and

Go Bucks. Gold Pants once again. :oh:
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Ohio State-Michigan lacking intrigue this year

by Bruce Hooley, Special to FOXSports.com

Updated: November 20, 2008, 11:59 AM EST

He's one of the guys who made the Ohio State-Michigan game what is was, so it's excruciating for Desmond Howard to see what it is now.

While the Buckeyes and Wolverines will meet Saturday in the 105th installment of a rivalry many consider the best in college football, the noon kickoff from Ohio Stadium offers none of the anticipation or intrigue many of its forerunners provided. OSU is as much as a 20 ?-point favorite, matching the biggest point spread in series history.

That margin has been climbing all week as an inducement for bettors to embrace the 3-8 Wolverines as a dangerous underdog in the final game of Rich Rodriguez's historically horrendous first season.
No one seems to be biting, however.
Not even an Ohio kid who crossed the border to wear the winged helmet and ended up winning the 1991 Heisman Trophy. "It's not like they were trying to learn (just) a spread offense," Howard said. "It's like they were trying to learn how to play football in some of their games, they looked so bad. This isn't Michigan. This is like Michigan Tech.''

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UM's Schilling questionable; McGuffie expected to play

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -- Michigan tackle Stephen Schilling is questionable for Saturday's game against No. 10 Ohio State because of a sprained knee.
Coach Rich Rodriguez said Wednesday that running back Sam McGuffie is expected to play after attending a funeral, and quarterback Steven Threet has practiced with shoulder injury and is being evaluated as a backup possibility behind Nick Sheridan.
Receiver Zion Babb has been kicked off the team for violating team rules and defensive tackle Jason Kates has chose to leave the team, Rodriguez said. Both played minor roles.

Entire article: Michigan's Stephen Schilling is questionable vs. Ohio State - NCAA Football - SI.com
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along with all this talk of Missagain injuries, I noticed we haven't heard much about the "Barwis effect" recently!

Before the season it sounded like the Vulvarines were gonna be a cross between the Steel Curtain Steelers and UFC fighters.

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ScriptOhio;1332481; said:
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -- Michigan tackle Stephen Schilling is questionable for Saturday's game against No. 10 Ohio State because of a sprained knee.
Coach Rich Rodriguez said Wednesday that running back Sam McGuffie is expected to play after attending a funeral, and quarterback Steven Threet has practiced with shoulder injury and is being evaluated as a backup possibility behind Nick Sheridan.
Receiver Zion Babb has been kicked off the team for violating team rules and defensive tackle Jason Kates has chose to leave the team, Rodriguez said. Both played minor roles.

Entire article: Michigan's Stephen Schilling is questionable vs. Ohio State - NCAA Football - SI.com

Schilling is the only guy they have who can block Heidi Klum...they're in trouble.
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