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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

Taosman;1332844; said:
Tressel won't run it up on Michigan. He could have scored more last year but told Boeckman to take a knee.
Bucks 30
scUM 12

Nonsense, weather was lousy, Wells was the man, D stood tall last year.

This year is about burying them

tOSU - 43 - TSUN - 10
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UpNorthBuckeye;1332680; said:
I, too, am suffering from work attention deficit disorder, and it's worse because I work in Ann Arbor and people keep coming up to me to talk about the game. We have about 60 employees here but only two OSU fans.

Tomorrow will be worse but I have a meeting from 10 a.m. til 2 so that will keep me occupied somewhat.

Gotta shut off the computer!

Go Buckeyes! Smash the scUMmers!

That's sad that you have a 4 hour meeting that extends over lunch and you're looking forward to it. It must be really rough in your office. I feel for you.
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My vacation starts tomorrow and it's not starting off on the right foot.

I want all teams from TSUN to lose this week (Detroit Lions, Central TSUN, etc.).

And TSUN knocking off UCLA in basketball isn't a good start. Bruins need to come back in the final two minutes.
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OSUBasketballJunkie;1332229; said:

Plans for Wells? Coming back just so they can beat Ohio State?


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Ohio State football: The last hurrah

Friday, November 21, 2008 3:22 AM
By Tim May


James Laurinaitis is a tough guy. The Ohio State linebacker stands 6 feet 3, weighs 240 pounds and last year won a national award named for Dick Butkus, the ultimate name in football toughness. He also is the son of a former professional wrestler.
But Laurinaitis knows that emotions will be bubbling all around him at noontime Saturday as he prepares to take the field in Ohio Stadium for the final time. He knows what to expect, anyway, from his parents, mother Julie and father Joe.
"He'll have tears in his eyes," James Laurinaitis said. "He's a big softie."
As for how he'll handle the situation, Laurinaitis will work to focus on the task at hand, Ohio State's Big Ten game against Michigan.

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