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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 42, Michigan 7 (Nov. 22)

Nicknam4;1218834; said:
Also, I'm sure Michigan's new coach won't come into The Game without any surprises, and wasn't he the one who started the spread offense? We seem to have a lot of trouble with the spread.

Depends on who's running it. The Purdue/Northwestern/MSU/Minny versions haven't really done much.

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I would be more scared if Carr was coaching (straight face). Individuals need to go and look at RR record in tough/rivalry games. It is not that great...4-3 against PITT!!! He thinks thats a rivalry...sunshine better wake up.

If Michigan had a better defense/depth on defense I would be more concerned. They are a few key injuries on defense away from losing 8 games(straight face). TT, Jamison, Graham, and Warren better not get hurt. Their back ups at most positions on defense are names that I have rarely heard or never heard of. Their D-line starters are good but they cannot play every down of every game. The back-ups on their D-line are ? to say the least.

Until I see a quaterback that can run that offense and OL blowing defenders up I'm not all that worried. Personally the first three games IMO UM's offense will look like monkey fucking a football. All kinds of false starts, illegal motion/shift, breaking the huddle with 12 men...stupid mistakes/holding. IMO they will turn the ball over alot this year as well. Their first three games are all tough for them. Utah is the last team they want to play. They play alot of spread teams and have a bunch of players coming back. The also have an offensive attack that will spread Michigan out...not good for the vulverines

I think Michigan hangs for a quarter or two but we pull away. I think we win this year comfortably.
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I'm not worried because this is the most important football game of the year, even though it is. I am worried because losing this game would hurt more than anything else this season could bring...whereas winning it would bring me more enjoyment than anything else this season could bring. That's just me. EVERYTHING hangs on this game for me. That's why I get butterflies thinking about it. I get butterflies thinking about the feeling I get everytime Ohio State takes the field in The Shoe to battle Michigan. Plus, I know the history of this rivalry. The best team on paper doesn't always win...doesn't even usually win. Trends? There aren't many trends either. The Game can always go any way...as can any football game, but this one more than any.

I do not doubt Tressel will have the Buckeyes as ready as they can be in 114 days, just as he does every year. Will Rich have Michigan ready? Most likely. I hate Michigan, but they still have a lot of talent and a great football program. I respect that. Mike Hart and Chad Henne won't be in this game. That scares me too. They sucked against us. FLAT OUT SUCKED! Mario Manningam too. It was fun when they all played in this game, because you knew that they'd choke and you knew Ohio State wouldn't. I still know Ohio State won't choke...but who the hell knows what this new Michigan offense will do.

brutus2002 said:
I think Michigan hangs for a quarter or two but we pull away. I think we win this year comfortably.

Isn't this what we usually say about Kent State...or Youngstown State? How often is The Game not decided until the Fourth Quarter? When was the last time Michigan just hung around for one quarter?

Do I think we will win this game? Hell yeah! I think we are going to win them all. This one just makes me the most nervous.
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Fearless predictions: Big Ten rivalry games
July 30, 2008 9:41 AM
Posted by ESPN.com's Adam Rittenberg


Making predictions before preseason practices kick off is like stopping at Krispy Kreme on the way to the gym. You know you shouldn't do it, but it's so tempting. Keep in mind, a ton of things could change between now and when these games are played, particularly with that team in Ann Arbor. OK, I've covered myself. Sort of. We looked at the Big Ten's top five most bitter rivalries on Hater Tuesday. Now, let's look at who will win those games.

1. Michigan at Ohio State, Nov. 22 -- Rich Rodriguez will have Michigan on track by this point, and the Wolverines could do some serious damage after Oct. 4. This game will be closer than people think, a sign of things to come in this rivalry with Rodriguez coaching Michigan. But Ohio State's defense will be too much for the Wolverines, and Beanie Wells eventually will wear down a talented Michigan defensive front. A special-teams touchdown or a touchdown off a turnover could seal it for the Buckeyes. Prediction: Ohio State 24, Michigan 17

Oh and in case I forgot... FUCK MICHIGAN!:oh:
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Well they had only 90+ yards against us at home last year with the same talent predicted to challenge for a NC...Its my prediction. Everyone is scared of RR and his OFFENSE...OFFENSE. Last time I checked it took Offense, defense, and special teams. IMO he doesn't have one phase of the game solidified. I'm sorry but with him coaching them I am supremely confident...especially at the shoe. In 2009 I will be more concerned because it is at Michigan.
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Jaxbuck;1218742; said:
Good thing he's just a poster and not a player or coach.

Do you people still harbor doubt that Jim Tressel puts a huge emphasis on The Game and has his teams prepared? The Game is not equally important, it is a season unto itself. Tressel gets it, Cooper and Dickrod, do not.

MililaniBuckeye;1218382; said:
Sorry, my friend, but Bo Schembechler fully knew and embraced the magnitude of The Rivalry, while DickRod thinks it's "just another game". Schembechler also knew how Woody coached, having spent years on the OSU staff and being mentored by Woody. Throw in the "revenge factor" and the fact The Game was played up in the Pig House, and you can see that there isn't much similarity other than the fact The Game this year will have an established, highly successful OSU coach going against a rookie UM coach.
In all the things I've read about Dickrod, I haven't come across anything that shows that he is treating The Game as "just another game." In fact, one of the first things he did after becoming the head coach was to ask the 1969 players to talk to the team. While this might be a part of the strategy of coaching transition, it still suggests that he has some foresight. Only time will tell if he is going to get the rivalry and the tradition of The Game or lead scUM through a period of meaninglessness in The Game.

Now I'm not saying he is going to be the next JT. I really doubt that. However, I am questioning your guys' assertion that RR doesn't give enough emphasis to the game. While I am sure everybody emphasized The Game to Cooper, the first few losses to scUM brought with them some pressure. To save his hide, Cooper started to deemphasize the rivalry more and more. Just to save his hide, blaming it on the "team", deemphasizing his contribution to the loss. I don't necessarily see RR being at that level just yet. He just might get The Game. That is why I believe it is important to make sure that OSU doesn't lose The Game for the first few years of RR's tenure.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to throw up after defending scUM.
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ant80;1219114; said:
In all the things I've read about Dickrod, I haven't come across anything that shows that he is treating The Game as "just another game." In fact, one of the first things he did after becoming the head coach was to ask the 1969 players to talk to the team. While this might be a part of the strategy of coaching transition, it still suggests that he has some foresight. Only time will tell if he is going to get the rivalry and the tradition of The Game or lead scUM through a period of meaninglessness in The Game.

Now I'm not saying he is going to be the next JT. I really doubt that. However, I am questioning your guys' assertion that RR doesn't give enough emphasis to the game. While I am sure everybody emphasized The Game to Cooper, the first few losses to scUM brought with them some pressure. To save his hide, Cooper started to deemphasize the rivalry more and more. Just to save his hide, blaming it on the "team", deemphasizing his contribution to the loss. I don't necessarily see RR being at that level just yet. He just might get The Game. That is why I believe it is important to make sure that OSU doesn't lose The Game for the first few years of RR's tenure.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to throw up after defending scUM.

don't have a link but he recently popped off about The Game being just one of 3 rivalry games they have. The tone of the article was very Cooperish, very strong sense of downplaying The Game.
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ant80;1219114; said:
In all the things I've read about Dickrod, I haven't come across anything that shows that he is treating The Game as "just another game." In fact, one of the first things he did after becoming the head coach was to ask the 1969 players to talk to the team.

Jaxbuck;1219506; said:
don't have a link but he recently popped off about The Game being just one of 3 rivalry games they have. The tone of the article was very Cooperish, very strong sense of downplaying The Game.

What Jax said. Having members of the '69 team come in to talk to your team doesn't really mean you embrace, or even understand, the full magnitude of The Rivalry.

As for The Game itself, I predict we hand Michigan an ass-whuppin' of Biblical proportions...in layman's terms, I think we [censored] them up good.
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Jaxbuck;1219506; said:
don't have a link but he recently popped off about The Game being just one of 3 rivalry games they have.

They always say that, when they don't win. Lose 6 out of seven and were that Red team from Ohio right? Win 1 out of two and all of a sudden they own our scarlet asses.

[censored] MICHIGAN! :oh:
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