Just a thought....most of us here are born and raised fans of the Bucks, we've watched and loved them all our lives....as far as THE GAME we have been thru the highs (Tress

) and the lows (Coop

) We know the history, the passion. We know Woody vs Bo. We know the tradition, the importance....we get it....So I wonder, for some of our young guys on the team, the ones who didn't grow up in a S&G house, a guy like JT or eZe, I wonder how the coaches teach these guys what we have learned in the lifetime of our fandom. I'm not trying to imply I don't think the young guys don't get it, in fact I'm certain they do, I just wonder how the coaches go about it? How do you teach the importance of THE GAME to someone who has grown up unfamiliar with it? Is it even possible to teach that kind of passion? That kind of hatred? Or for them is it just a rivalry because everybody says it is?
Just curious at others opinions.....Lets kick the [Mark May] out of the bastards up north!