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Game Thread THE GAME, 11/25/17 @ 12:00 ET (FOX)

This is such a ridiculous position, imo.

Even last year, getting thumped by the eventual champs was better than playing in a NYE exhibition vs Notre Dame, both for recruitment and for future playoff implications.

I will never believe that losing in a playoff game is better than winning anywhere else. You're not remembered for going. You're remembered for winning.

Would you seriously argue that being skunked by Clemson last year was a positive for tOSU's image? If so, please explain how.,
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I will never believe that losing in a playoff game is better than winning anywhere else. You're not remembered for going. You're remembered for winning.

Would you seriously argue that being skunked by Clemson last year was a positive for tOSU's image? If so, please explain how.,
Well not if you perform well and lose. That is better than winning an exhibition game. But yes, after the fact if you get blown out you'd rather win an exhibition. But you can't know that will happen.
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