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Game Thread THE GAME: #1 Ohio State 42, #2 Michigan 39 (11/18/06)

Game plans

Forwarded to me, let's see if we can get this to work:

Ok so instead of the typical booing of that team up north, we want to
try a different approach this year. When the wolverines take the
field, we want to be dead silent and turn around and look away from
the field.

The impact will be much greater than any booing that the shoe could
muster. Ok guys, so the question is that even if we get the word out
through facebook, how do we get the word out to people without
facebook. The shoe can hold 105,000 people and every seat will be

The Red Out Penn State group only had about 8000 members and that was
incredibly successfull. At that point it would be an easy sell of the
story to the newspapers. So don't worry about it and just let us start
a new tradition that will go down in the books forever. Right now we
have almost 4,000 memebers on facebook.com and we are still growing.
As Ohio State students we are trying to get the public involved in
this awsome experience.


(Someone suggested making flyers. If anyones up for it, go right ahead!)

And try and post on any online forums, bulletin boards, etc. Lets get
the word out!

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Speaking of the commercial with the scUM date and jumping out of the car - that commercial is available for free download on Itunes. Also free on iTunes is the hilariously disgusting commercial from a few years back involving two co-eds from each university. Just search for the Ohio State scUM rivalry.
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The impact of Bo's passing on The Game.

There was some speculation about this in the R.I.P. thread, mainly about how Bo will be remembered - but I think it is more appropriate to discuss here what relative impact it might have on the respective teams and their coaching staffs.
Sometimes a death like this happens and it adds fire, an emotional boost to the team that feels the passsing more acutely. Though Bo was a graduate of tOSU I think it is fair to say that part of the fall-out from his passing falls into TSUNs lap. In fact the majority of the many ways in which people deal with death fall there in my opinion.
Few of the Ohio State players know Bo on a face-to-face basis, the coaching staff, in particular Tressel is a different story - as he was on staff from 83-85 when the Hayes-Schembechler rivalry was continued between Bruce and Bo. Thus, even in the case of the tOSU coaches the relationship is reverential, respectful and separated by time from its most acute intensity.
Contrast that with the situation for the Michigan players.
Bo was a regular media presence for Michigan Athletics and Football. Schembechler was also a regular fixture in and around the Athletic Department, it is highly likely that every single one of the players on tomorrows visting team had spoken with, or been given an inspirational speech by Bo.
As for the coaches, it is no secret that Carr has always had the blessing of Bo. In fact, while embattled last year when TSUN put up one of their worst records in years, it was frequently opined in the Ann Arbor papers and elsewhere that with Bo in the Athletic Department there was essentially zero chance of Carr getting canned. Now, sadly for tomorrows game, Bo is gone. And perhaps in the future, sadly for Carr, that career security blanket has been pulled away.
The players have lost an iconic figure with whom they were able to interact. Some may take this well, others not so easily. Having a clear headed leader and teacher guide them through this will be essential. That would ideally be their head coach. Who could of course ask them to "Win One for Bo" - fueling the fire and emotion in his team.
Yet ....
Their Head Coach has lost probably his best friend and certainly most stalwart professional champion. His ability to govern his emotions at this time will be critical in determining how well those players under his charge themselves handle this event.
In my view, harsh and worldy though it may be, this passing and its timing, holds more potential to undermine and distract the visiting team, than it does to underscore their collective confidence. For, based on past performance, Carr has shown too often the trait of wearing his heart on his sleeve, and letting his emotions govern his public face, influence his decisions. I don't know if he will ask TSUN to "Win One For Bo," but that may mean little if his focus has gone to a relative blur while he works through what all this means to him.
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I'm completely against the complete silence when Michigan comes out idea. Braylon Edwards was interviewed earlier about what it was like playing in Ohio Stadium and he mentioned when they left the locker room and ran out onto the field it was the most deafening boo he had ever heard. It was like that every year and he said it was very intimidating. Chad Henne has said similar things.

I see how not booing could throw them off, but booing is way more intimidating. This is the *ichigan home game. It comes around once every two years. People wait 729 days to boo the hell out of that team up north and you'll have a hard time convincing them not to.

Another reason to boo loudly when they take the field is to drown out their band and make it so nobody has to listen to that damn fight song. I want nonstop booing everytime their band strikes up the first note. Make it so the song is never audible all throughout the game. It has been done before, and hopefully it is done tomorrow.

Part of what makes Ohio State so initimidating is the amount of noise that can be brought by the fans. Any plans to lessen this noise are ridiculous. Come on, this is Ohio State-*ichigan. We don't need any stadium gimmicks like Penn State's White Outs. This is the biggest rivalry in college football, and maybe even all of sports. Don't dull it down by trying to ask people do something that would take away from one of the factors Ohio State has going for it tomorrow : noise and intimidation.
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When it was first introduced I wasn't even going to respond to the "silence" concept; however, since it has reared its ugly head again, well.. here goes: And the worst idea of the year award goes to... whoever came up with "silence" instead of booing. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that if an OSU fan indeed came up with that atrocious concept they need to rethink their affiliation because only a true scUM fan could come up with such a genuinely bad idea. Drop it, it's horrible not only for THE GAME but college football as a whole.

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I know most people hate this guy, but he is pulling for us.


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Silence? Pshaw!

Why would the Buckeye faithful give up one of the greatest weapons that there is in the arsenal? During my 30 years of going to Buckeye games, the fan noise in the 'shoe is awesome. One can feel the sound wave vibrations resounding throughout........

Rock the 'Shoe down!

:gobucks3: :gobucks4: :banger:
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