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Game Thread THE GAME: #1 Ohio State 42, #2 Michigan 39 (11/18/06)

sandgk;662206; said:
Thought/Question - can Ohio State have success versus TSUN's defense by running out of passing formations (and I would count Troy with his legs along with, say, Pittman getting the rock on a pitch)?

If tOSU can't run early, look for the screens and swings to be used as the running game.
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Can anyone out there enlighten a novice like me what this week is like for the players in terms of practice, walk throughs, team meetings, film work, etc? I played college basketball so I was curious as to the intensity of the prep work in football vs. bball. Not to mention the intensity that is simply known as "The Game."

Go Bucks!
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In my first post I said that I'd rarely get in on a discussion unless I really feel the need. I've had a few posts here and there, mainly on either funny topics or festivities, but I was watching Cold Pizza this morning and I almost had a coronary. I was so mad sitting there that I wish I could fly through the TV. I already knew that Skippy Gayless is a true Buckeye hater, but some of the shit that was spewing out of his mouth was aweful.

Here are just a few quotes that I remember...
"Lloyd Carr gets the slight nod over Tressel because of the way he managed the quarterbacks in the Texas game."
"Michigan's defense is underrated."
"Don't get me wrong, Troy Smith is good, but Chad Henne has performed equally to Troy Smith in big games."
"6 1/2!?!? You've got to be kidding me, Ohio State hasn't faced a defense like Michigan's all year."
...yet, they're underrated

Woody Paige had nothing but love for the Buckeyes, and found it hard to believe the line wasn't more. Brought a smile to my face.

And then that cum well Dana Jacobson sat down to interview Desmond Howard and Robert Smith. She starts off with the interview making a clear point that Smith didn't beat Michigan once, and that Howard was undefeted against the Bucks. Then she goes through a few questions, and then says, "I don't know if I mentioned this earlier, but Robert Smith hasn't won against Michigan, and Desmond Howard has beaten Ohio State 3 times. Robert, what's the feeling of not being able to beat Michigan during your career. Has it left a bitter taste in your mouth?" And Robert couldn't have been classier and took everything with a grain of salt. Desmond on the other hand was in his full glory with his shit eating grin and all 1623 teeth showing, said "I don't know that feeling, I don't have that bitterness or empty feeling." As they repeatedly showed his Heisman punt return. Then at the end of the interview, Dana smirkly said that "Come one Robert, you know I have to give props to Michigan, I graduated from there."

I apologize for the rant, story book novel, but FUCK THAT SHIT!!! I hope we put up 100 on Saturday.


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Personally I feel we'll run quite a bit out of the passing formations. Conversly I think we'll pass out of a lot of running formations to confuse them. I think it'd be dumb to line up with two tight ends and just run at them they're just too good up front. I wouldn't be surprised to see tosu come out and run at michigan though to let them know we don't really care you're #1 in rush defense. I'd love to see more options/draws/ runs out of the passing formations though, and I just personally think we need Ginn/Troy/Pittman/Wells/Wells to all get yards at some point in the game. I mean if 1 player can't get us 100 yards by himself why not spread the rushes around and quietly build a good game on the ground?

Also I think we'll see lots of swing passes/ screens as well. They're just so aggressive on defense that they'll be plenty of yards to get on them.

I'm sure this has been answered but what does Michigan do when a team goes 4-5 wide? do they go Nickle? I'm just wondering because I would love to take one of their linebackers off the field and get a weak DB in there. After all the Db's are their weakness on that side of the ball... Saturday can't get here soon enough.

After reading what Romanoski just said i feel the need to pile on so bare with me... Does anyone else seem like Michigan is being built up as the head over heals better team? I've heard so much about the defense (very good front 4), how michigan is due, how michigan ruins things every year for us, how homefield isn't nearly as important as it seems it is, that michigan is out for blood because of last years horrible start, and mostly about how the front 4 of michigan will put ungodly pressure on troy and how this is not the same team (even though it really is) that Troy lit up over the last couple years. I'm sick of the fucking media just waiting for us to go down, and I to hope we bury this team.

1 thing the media is forgetting is that Henne makes more mistakes than Troy and our Defense forces more turnovers than Michigans... Advantage OSU, and considering how we usually turn those turnovers into 7 points that could be the deciding factor. End rant.
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Personally, I think what you'll see is something you haven't seen before. For example, last year, we brought in Tyree as a TE. Michigan wasn't ready for that much beef out there because OSU had not done such a thing all year. I don't know what "trick" Tress has up his sleeve, but it'll happen, and Michigan won't know what to do with it.

That said, it could well be the "trick" is to make them think about "tricks" and then go out and play the way we have....
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Double standard By Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports
November 14, 2006

ANN ARBOR, Mich. ? On Monday, Michigan coach Lloyd Carr stormed out of an interview session here with "ESPN on ABC," loudly uttering F-bombs and screaming about the direction interview questions had taken.
According to the Ann Arbor News it was one wild scene with a flipped-out coach, a "no comment" producer and a tense, in-front-of-the-camera clash just days before the titanic No. 1 Ohio State vs. No. 2 Michigan matchup.
Did you see the video on ESPN? Did you hear Lisa Salters report on the blowup on "SportsCenter"? Will the incident be debated ad nauseam on all of the network's afternoon rant-and-rave shows?
http://us.bc.yahoo.com/b?P=se5GMNht...580.9435387.10255186.1806201/D=LREC/B=4040491 Of course not.
The whitewash, wall-to-wall coverage story of the day about an out-of-control college coach is once again one of ESPN's favorite whipping boys, Bob Knight, who Monday in an obscure game in Lubbock, Texas, knocked one his players, Michael Prince, on the chin because he wasn't paying attention to one of The General's legendary rants.
Knight long ago should have known better than to lay a hand on a player. He should have learned to control his emotions. He and Texas Tech should have expected the ensuing firestorm because, right or wrong, it is what happens when he steps out of line.
The point here isn't to defend him.
This is to wonder why as ESPN's power continues to grow, its sense of perspective continues to wane.
There is one standard for Knight, for Terrell Owens, for Maurice Clarett and a completely other one for everyone else.
Back in December of 2003, Knight and Iowa coach Steve Alford did an offseason, side-by-side interview with ESPN's Fran Fraschilla. Knight bristled at one of Fraschilla's questions and yelled at him.
The ESPN producer immediately shipped the film back to Bristol where the confrontation was played big on "SportsCenter" and became a staple of ESPN's always-at-the-ready "Knight's out of control" package.
It was ridiculous. A coach getting angry at a reporter is not a news item. It is an every hour occurrence. Only because it was Knight was it a big deal. It is the same principle that caused ESPN to bury what is probably a pretty colorful scene courtesy of Carr in Ann Arbor.
But therein lies the ridiculousness. If ESPN wants to broadcast one angry coach, then it should broadcast all of them. If ESPN wants to go 24/7 over one coach misbehaving, then it ought to go after all of them. Don't tell me that at this stage, in this week, with the Game of the Century on the line, Lloyd Carr's dealings with reporters isn't a bigger news story than Bob Knight in that 2003 interview or Knight in some scrub early-season mismatch.
But ESPN is eating one of those tapes.
Fraschilla, a former coach at three different Division I schools, ironically also called Tech's victory over Gardner-Webb on Monday. He said what Knight did is something that 100 coaches will do this season. I don't know about 100, but at least 20. I've seen that kind of tap all over the place.
College coaches, particularly ones of Knight's generation, have long been hopelessly overemotional and out of control. What Knight did is what John Chaney has done and what Lou Holtz has done. It isn't far from the way Tom Izzo or Kelvin Sampson or Gary Williams or so many other guys still do it.
But those incidents slip by with little mention.
Just the way last summer Houston Astros manager Phil Garner tossed a chair onto a baseball field to protest an ejection and the world didn't end.
Just the way video of Lloyd Carr blowing up ? perhaps justifiably ? will never surface.
Yes, Knight should know better and should know the world has changed. But this act is hardly worth this kind of over-the-top coverage. Not when college athletics has serious problems ? academic fraud, rampant cheating, widespread profiteering.
For a while "SportsCenter" ? the overwhelmingly most powerful force in sports media ? lost its way with a silly parade of sorry would-be standup comics as anchors. Now it has backed off that slightly and gone straight tabloid.
Daily coverage of Barry Bonds. Daily coverage of Terrell Owens. Daily coverage of whatever outrageous character it can drum up. "Up next on Cold Pizza, a clinical psychologist gives a diagnosis of Bob Knight." (No joke).
One standard here, one there. Some get exposed, some get protected. No consistent news judgment. No sense of perspective. Just a toe-the-company-line ombudsman on its website.
Yeah, Bob Knight is in the media grinder now, the full force of the World Wide Leader flipping out over a flipped chin.
It's fine if ESPN thinks he deserves it. But if so, he sure isn't the only one. And that's what the network isn't telling you.
Dan Wetzel is Yahoo! Sports' national columnist. Send Dan a question or comment for potential use in a future column or webcast.
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Nov 18

Partly Cloudy 46?/34?
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I know, I'm sorry. But can't I just have two minutes with Skip; teach him a thing or two? Anyway, as far as the rushing game, I agree with Grad about the running back screens and dumps to keep their line honest. If they're flying around and we catch them on a couple nice gains, they'll have no choice but to run a simple stunt game. A couple times I remember in college we were caught being too aggressive, we had to resort to our d linemen doing the stunts while the linebackers had to resort almost reading the pass first, then finding the ball and attacking. I think Tressel knows this about them and is going to exploit it.

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I think you'll see OSU in the spread quite a bit this weekend, it'll force Michigan to take out one of their linebackers and play nickel. You'll read it in my defensive preview of them, but I honestly think that Michigan's secondary is average at best. They've got one good corner, and the rest of their guys are average players. OSU will try to exploit this by rolling Smith out........and getting the Michigan defensive lineman running. They'll try to let Smith improvise a bit this week I think. The Buckeyes will also use a lot of quick hitters (passes) to set up the long plays against Michigan's safeties......who aren't exactly fast. If Smith has time he can light up that Michigan secondary, that is a big IF, but it's attainable.
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bukIpower;662221; said:
Personally I feel we'll run quite a bit out of the passing formations. Conversly I think we'll pass out of a lot of running formations to confuse them. I think it'd be dumb to line up with two tight ends and just run at them they're just too good up front. I wouldn't be surprised to see tosu come out and run at michigan though to let them know we don't really care you're #1 in rush defense. I'd love to see more options/draws/ runs out of the passing formations though, and I just personally think we need Ginn/Troy/Pittman/Wells/Wells to all get yards at some point in the game. I mean if 1 player can't get us 100 yards by himself why not spread the rushes around and quietly build a good game on the ground?

Also I think we'll see lots of swing passes/ screens as well. They're just so aggressive on defense that they'll be plenty of yards to get on them.

I'm sure this has been answered but what does Michigan do when a team goes 4-5 wide? do they go Nickle? I'm just wondering because I would love to take one of their linebackers off the field and get a weak DB in there. After all the Db's are their weakness on that side of the ball... Saturday can't get here soon enough.

After reading what Romanoski just said i feel the need to pile on so bare with me... Does anyone else seem like Michigan is being built up as the head over heals better team? I've heard so much about the defense (very good front 4), how michigan is due, how michigan ruins things every year for us, how homefield isn't nearly as important as it seems it is, that michigan is out for blood because of last years horrible start, and mostly about how the front 4 of michigan will put ungodly pressure on troy and how this is not the same team (even though it really is) that Troy lit up over the last couple years. I'm sick of the fucking media just waiting for us to go down, and I to hope we bury this team.

1 thing the media is forgetting is that Henne makes more mistakes than Troy and our Defense forces more turnovers than Michigans... Advantage OSU, and considering how we usually turn those turnovers into 7 points that could be the deciding factor. End rant.

1. Yes uOFm has a tremendous front 4.
2. Yes they go into Nickel, and no they don't have 'weak' db's but they are beatable. Probably as good or better than PSU's, which was not a cakewalk for you guys.
3. Turnovers will be huge, whichever team can run the ball will have a huge advantage.
4. The only way I would favor uOFm was if they could stop the run with just their front 7 against you guys.
5. Go kick their fucking ass. Go Bucks

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Guys, i wouldn't get too caught up in all this "Michigan is great" bullshit. They are a good team, but everyone is feeding into this to boost rating and hype.

We are better than SCUM, have been all year, and it will show by a land slide on Saturday.

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hell yeah buckin' A I hear ya.. I think Penn States Secondary is better than Michigans, but that's just me. Both teams struggles against Penn State I believe though. I don't know if it comes down to who runs the ball better because against Texas/NIU I thought we got outplayed in the trenches as far as running the ball/stopping the run. What got us the win in those games was being able to pass the ball effectively and getting turnovers. I see the same for this game as being a key to an OSU victory. For Michigan to win the game they DO have to run the ball well, not so much the case with tosu.
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