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The BCS National Championship Game (January 8, 2007)

VprHis;698789; said:
I don't get it either. In fact, you could go so far as to say that I hate it. I believe it is a harbinger of the death of the English language.

I'm surprisingly crochety for someone who's only 26.

I spent about an hour up on my soapbox this past semester trying to explain to my students exactly why it's a bad idea to write like that in class... the only argument that worked was "I'm an old guy and I refuse to read that shit."

People actually use that nonsense in the real world?
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Bucky Katt;698815; said:
People actually use that nonsense in the real world?

Some more than others. Quite a few of my students think that "neways" is a word. Things like that. I think if one of them actually went full-on netspeak, I'd sit him/her down and spend 15 minutes or so delivering a blistering remonstration. Or maybe just a whuppin'.
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VprHis;689120; said:
just to clarify (before the torches and pitchforks arrive) I'm picking florida to cover the spread.... NOT to win.

I hope I lose some vbux on this one :)

Edit: I find my lack of faith... disturbing. I'm now that sorry SOB who bets both sides of the issue. Commence derision.

I feel the same way, Bucks to win but I don't think they'll cover. Hope I'm wrong. :biggrin:
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I don't have much vMoney to bet on tOSU. I better not. I've lost 160K in last two weeks anyways.

From the dispatch....

Peterson backs Smith

Oklahoma junior running back Adrian Peterson finished second in the Heisman Trophy race as a freshman in 2004. His two seasons since have been punctuated by injuries ? a sprained ankle in 2005 and a broken collarbone that knocked him out in the sixth game this year.
Peterson, who played for the Sooners last night, said he couldn?t bear to watch the Heisman ceremony on TV in 2005, but he tuned in this year when OSU quarterback Troy Smith won the award.
"Man, he was well-deserving of the Heisman Trophy," Peterson said. "He?s a great athlete, great arm. God has truly blessed him with talents."
Sooner not a picker

While Ohio State coach Jim Tressel said he would be pulling for the Sooners last night, because they are led by Youngstown native Bob Stoops, the Oklahoma coach took the diplomatic route when asked if he has a favorite in the national championship game. Tressel and Florida coach Urban Meyer also are Ohio natives, for starters.
"I?ve got relationships both places, and good ones, so in the end, for those reasons, whether I like or dislike anything, that?s not for me to say," Stoops said.
Call it a sign

The Buckeyes were guests of the Fiesta Bowl last night, and the new University of Phoenix Stadium had to feel a lot like their home away from home just because of the d?cor. The colored seats are laid out in swaths of red and gray.
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