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The BCS National Championship Game (January 8, 2007)

OSU will dominate the Gators... no doubt. Theres a big Urban Legend down in FL and it's about to be shown to the whole country how weak FL really is. I was on a site the other day where a FL fan is so hooked that they will win and their poll actually shows more ppl picking FL than OSU... what a f'n joke. Here's what they said:

I think the gators will win, it will be a tough game. Who the hell has OS played? Texas and Meeeeeeeeeechigan????? Come on, they would have 2 losses if they were in the SEC!! The sweater vest goes down,
Florida 34 OS 21, Too much team speed.

LIKE WTF ARE YOU THINKING!?!?! the gators winning by 2 scores, hahaha. What a joke! Go f'n blast this guy out of his pants he doesn't deserve to even claim he watches football with a statement like this!
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;697733; said:
If you're going to type LOLOLOL why not just say ROTFL or LMFAO?
I don't get |\|37 593/\|< I guess.

I dont know. The L and O are next to each other so i just go back and forth quickly a few times. Is it really that big of a deal? What does this say: |\|37 593/\|<????
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OSUPWNS;697738; said:
I dont know. .... What does this say: |\|37 593/\|<????
It's a secret
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OSUPWNS;697662; said:
OSU will dominate the Gators... no doubt. Theres a big Urban Legend down in FL and it's about to be shown to the whole country how weak FL really is. I was on a site the other day where a FL fan is so hooked that they will win and their poll actually shows more ppl picking FL than OSU... what a f'n joke. Here's what they said:

LIKE WTF ARE YOU THINKING!?!?! the gators winning by 2 scores, hahaha. What a joke! Go f'n blast this guy out of his pants he doesn't deserve to even claim he watches football with a statement like this!

I don't see what's wrong with someone thinking his team will win. I think that Ohio State will win, but I also thought that USC would beat Texas last year. So did trillions of other college football fans. Many of those people thought that Miami would smoke Ohio State to win the 2002 national championship. Now, many of those fans think that Ohio State will win. Are you saying that someone can't believe that his team will upset Ohio State?

By the way, SEC fans are funny.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;697733; said:
I don't get |\|37 593/\|< I guess.

I don't get it either. In fact, you could go so far as to say that I hate it. I believe it is a harbinger of the death of the English language.

I'm surprisingly crochety for someone who's only 26.

I spent about an hour up on my soapbox this past semester trying to explain to my students exactly why it's a bad idea to write like that in class... the only argument that worked was "I'm an old guy and I refuse to read that shit."
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VprHis;698789; said:
I don't get it either. In fact, you could go so far as to say that I hate it. I believe it is a harbinger of the death of the English language.

I'm surprisingly crochety for someone who's only 26.

I spent about an hour up on my soapbox this past semester trying to explain to my students exactly why it's a bad idea to write like that in class... the only argument that worked was "I'm an old guy and I refuse to read that shit."

Actually, I agree with you. Internet shothand and "l33t" drive me crazy. What that says, btw is "Net Speak"

Edit: Ironically, I used "btw" :slappy:
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