Second watch....I got to 3:36. Apparently there was some dipshit named Peanut who....according to them.....had big feet and couldn't comfortably stand on the steps they were doing their moronic yell practice at, so he started pacing. And now they all have to do it. Because one dipshit did it way back when.What's with the two who'll pace back and forth like Groucho Marx behind the one who's speaking. It's all utterly bizarre.
The guy literally says "Let me fill you in on a little secret here at Texas A&M. If something happens once, it's by chance. If it happens twice, it's tradition."
So if one of these chucklefucks trips going down the steps more than once, the whole fanbase will apparently trip on every set of steps they use from now until eternity. And they'll all trip the exact same way.