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Terrell Owens (official thread of nonsense)


T.O. doesn't believe he was called out


Associated Press

IRVING, Texas - Terrell Owens doesn't believe he was being called out by teammate Terence Newman as a player who needs to quit talking and start playing.
"He wasn't talking to me," Owens said Thursday, responding to comments cornerback Newman made about unspecified players. "He talked to me after practice; he wasn't talking to me. So I'm not worried about that. Even if he was, I'm still not worried about it."

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OCBucksFan;697119; said:
http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2708303Same old story from T.O. "We're losing because they aren't throwing to me enough!"

Yea but when they do throw it to him, the ball goes right through his hands and when that happens too often, he is going to fall back onto his problem in his ring finger or the pinky (not sure which one it is). In one of these two fingers, he has a problem with the nerves and it makes it feel numb.

TO will find any reason to hide behind something or complain.
I Hate the guy.
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OK so what happens when TO gets traded to Oakland, the land of pro player misfits, and has to share catches with Randy Moss.
They would have Mr ego's #1 and #2. that could get ugly. No one else would ever get the ball. It would be either ugly or funny.
I bet Al Davis would croak before the season was 4 games old. They would go through a coach every two games. :) Or maybe they wouldn't get them apart from their arguing to get them in the game. :biggrin:
I will go with get fed up with them and just not watch the Raiders.
It could be a real possibility that the Raiders are TO's next step down.
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It's a very real possibility, however, it looks like Moss wants out and they will try and move him during the off season. TO on a losing team would be funny, I think at that point he gets his own section on espn.com :)
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OCBucksFan;699284; said:
It's a very real possibility, however, it looks like Moss wants out and they will try and move him during the off season. TO on a losing team would be funny, I think at that point he gets his own section on espn.com :)
Now that brings up another interesting question. Which team would want Moss?
Neither one of these guys is a prize. I don't know who else would want TO or Moss.
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Best Buckeye;699286; said:
Now that brings up another interesting question. Which team would want Moss?
Neither one of these guys is a prize. I don't know who else would want TO or Moss.

I could see a losing team grabbing him and trying to make a run with him. Tampa Bay doesn't have an asshat at the moment, I think it would be a good fit.
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OCBucksFan;699287; said:
I could see a losing team grabbing him and trying to make a run with him. Tampa Bay doesn't have an asshat at the moment, I think it would be a good fit.
LOL yes i'm sure Gruden would want either one of these guys. :bonk:
Somehow I just can't see Moss lasting the year alive at Tampa.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Who ever said TO was out of Dallas after this season. He still has 2 more years on his contract and he says he is happy with what he is getting. TO has had a great season (stats wise) and he says he is happy with himself and the Dallas Organization. I didnt find any reports of him being released after this season. Please correct me if I am wrong.
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zBuckeye10z;699397; said:
TO has had a great season (stats wise) and he says he is happy with himself and the Dallas Organization. I didnt find any reports of him being released after this season. Please correct me if I am wrong.
His stats lose a lot of luster when you include drops in the line. He's Braylon Edwards with a bigger mouth and bigger chip on his shoulder. The guy seriously needs psychiatric help.

As far as remaining in Dallas, I'd be shocked if he and Parcells both return. The Tuna has done a masterful job, well as good as any coach can, of handling the fucking douchebag this season. But you can tell in his press conferences his patience is wearing thin. If they get into the playoffs, TO will begin running his mouth after their inevitable loss, and I would expect a "him or me" ultimatum from Parcells. The thing is, TO is not an elite player anymore like he was 2-3 years ago. Right now he's the second best reciever on his own team. Fucking Jerry Jones...you get what you pay for.:lol:
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NFBuck;699404; said:
His stats lose a lot of luster when you include drops in the line. He's Braylon Edwards with a bigger mouth and bigger chip on his shoulder. The guy seriously needs psychiatric help.

As far as remaining in Dallas, I'd be shocked if he and Parcells both return. The Tuna has done a masterful job, well as good as any coach can, of handling the fucking douchebag this season. But you can tell in his press conferences his patience is wearing thin. If they get into the playoffs, TO will begin running his mouth after their inevitable loss, and I would expect a "him or me" ultimatum from Parcells. The thing is, TO is not an elite player anymore like he was 2-3 years ago. Right now he's the second best reciever on his own team. Fucking Jerry Jones...you get what you pay for.:lol:

The drops he has had does take him down the WR list. He does lead the NFL with 14 drops or something like that and it has bothered him as far as confidence.

I think that next year Parcells is out and TO is staying in Dallas. The only reason Parcells may be out is because of his age. He is around 65 years old and he mentioned earlier in the season he was considering retirement after this year. As for TO, he has been good for the Dallas Cowboys Organization production wise and i dont see any change in team for him.

Also, you say TO is no longer the best receiver on the team. Who is better than him on the Cowboys at WR. Terry Glenn? Not a chance.
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None of that changes his douche-ness.

Also, if Parcells leaves I think that will be very bad for Dallas. They had a lot of coaching troubles before he got there, Dallas is back in the playoffs. I am sure Jerry Jones can find a coach, maybe it's just me, but Parcells seems to be better for the organization than TO.
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OCBucksFan;699445; said:
None of that changes his douche-ness.

Also, if Parcells leaves I think that will be very bad for Dallas. They had a lot of coaching troubles before he got there, Dallas is back in the playoffs. I am sure Jerry Jones can find a coach, maybe it's just me, but Parcells seems to be better for the organization than TO.

Parcells has been better for the organization in the past. But Dallas wants a contending team for the future and TO still has 2 years on his contract. TO hasnt really had his time to compare him to Parcells as to how hes done good for the organization. Over a longer period time (couple more seasons) we'll see how he does for the organization compared to Parcells.

Dont get me wrong, Parcells is a great coach but he's getting old and he was considering retirement. TO needs more time in Dallas.
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NFBuck;699404; said:
His stats lose a lot of luster when you include drops in the line. He's Braylon Edwards with a bigger mouth and bigger chip on his shoulder. The guy seriously needs psychiatric help.

As far as remaining in Dallas, I'd be shocked if he and Parcells both return. The Tuna has done a masterful job, well as good as any coach can, of handling the fucking douchebag this season. But you can tell in his press conferences his patience is wearing thin. If they get into the playoffs, TO will begin running his mouth after their inevitable loss, and I would expect a "him or me" ultimatum from Parcells. The thing is, TO is not an elite player anymore like he was 2-3 years ago. Right now he's the second best reciever on his own team. Fucking Jerry Jones...you get what you pay for.:lol:
Well now I know what TO means when he says talk like this keeps him from getting "into the game" and makes him drop passes.
To hear him refered to as the 2nd best reciever probably makes him cry and prevents him from make contact with his inner self and thus the dropped passes. I know it bothers him that Parcells ignors him with his greatness and all you know.
If Jones keeps one he will be smarter to keep Bill.
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Reports: T.O. has surgery on ring finger

Associated Press

DALLAS - Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens had surgery in Miami to repair a torn tendon in his right ring finger, two newspapers reported Friday.
"The doctor is very optimistic," Owens told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. "I am happy I had the surgery. I am happy with the news he gave me that I will return to 100 percent."

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