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Terrell Owens (official thread of nonsense)

Buck Nasty;690747; said:
I am not sure that a ligament injury is a ligament reason for his punk bitch behavior, or the fact that he drops every third pass that comes his way. But I do think he has some ligament mental problems.

I think more than that he's losing his talent with age and not dealing with it well. Him and Randy Moss need to just play and stay silent, both followed great receivers, yet both failed to learn the humility from them.

I will admit though, I watch to see what TO is going to do next.
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Now he claims it was an accident, even though on national TV after the game he was almost bragging about it. This guy cracks me up, never in my life have I seen such an attention whore. :shake:

But on Dec. 18, he insisted it was an accident.

"When it happened, we were jawing in each other's face, so it wasn't anything intentional," Owens said. "I didn't intentionally spit in his face. He's trying to make it seem like more than what it was by saying I hauled off and spit in his face. I feel like if I spit in his face ... somebody would've seen it."

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T.O. has nothing against Garcia


Associated Press

IRVING, Texas - Before T.O. took on Donovan McNabb, Jeff Garcia was the receiver's target.
Owens' verbal sniping at McNabb last year in Philadelphia led to his suspension and departure from the Eagles.
Before that, when Owens was in San Francisco, he made insinuations about Garcia's sexuality. Owens said he hasn't talked with Garcia since their days on the 49ers.
Will that change when the Eagles play at Dallas on Christmas Day and Garcia makes his fifth straight start for the injured McNabb?

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Sorry, T.O., this Eagles-Cowboys game isn't about you


Associated Press

IRVING, Texas - The last time the Dallas Cowboys played the Philadelphia Eagles, the buildup was all about Terrell Owens - just the way he likes it.
Sorry, T.O. This Christmas afternoon rematch is about something far more important: deciding the NFC East champion.
That will definitely be the case if the Cowboys win. A victory would seal Dallas' first division title since 1998, the last full season that Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith and Michael Irvin played together.
If the Eagles win, they'll need to follow with a victory over Atlanta in the finale to seal their fifth division title in six years. Philadelphia also could do it by beating Dallas and losing to the Falcons, but only if the Cowboys end up losing their finale at home against lowly Detroit.

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T.O. 'embarrassed' by offense; Glenn frustrated, too


I just feel like I'm not involved early in the game," Owens said. "Everybody knows that's what I do. Every team that I've played on, I've been involved early and often. It's hard to get in the flow when you're getting a ball here, a ball there."
Same old story from T.O. "We're losing because they aren't throwing to me enough!"
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What I don't understand about T.O. is it never seems to be his fault. According to him, he's not involved in the offense enough. With that being said, he's not going to be involved in the offense as much as he'd like when he leads the NFL in dropped passes.
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OCBucksFan;697119; said:
Same old story from T.O. "We're losing because they aren't throwing to me enough!"
Nowhere in the article did he say that Dallas is losing because he isn't being thrown to enough, but since that's the way you interpret it...is he wrong? In the 3 losses since Romo's become the starter he's had 12 catches (5 in the last 2 losses). In the 6 wins, 39 catches. Nearly 3 more per game in the wins.

No, he shouldn't be bitching, but it's not like he doesn't have a point. Like the article says, he's not the only one frustrated.
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Buckeye513;697303; said:
No, he shouldn't be bitching, but it's not like he doesn't have a point. Like the article says, he's not the only one frustrated.

True, and if were 90% of the other players in the league it wouldn't be news. But he's got a history of opening his mouth, so everything he says makes the news.

On another note, he's a wide receiver, as long as he's on the field he's accomplishing something, he's a threat and often isn't as open as he thinks not to mention the drops. Dallas has more issues than T.O., but him opening his mouth everytime a microphone is near him doesn't exactly improve their situation.

He's a great talent, but his mouth and attitude are causing problems for a team that needs to get ready for playoffs.
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