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Terrell Owens (official thread of nonsense)


Police report: Owens hospitalized after suicide attempt

DALLAS -- Flamboyant Dallas Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens attempted suicide by overdosing on pain medication, even putting two more pills into his mouth after fire rescue personnel arrived, The Associated Press reported Wednesday citing a police report.
A Dallas police report released Wednesday morning said Owens told rescue workers "that he was depressed." The report was first released by WFAA-TV.
The friend, who is not identified in the report, "noticed that [his] prescription pain medication was empty and observed [Owens] putting two pills in his mouth," the police report said.
The friend attempted to pry them out with her fingers, then was told by Owens that before this incident he'd taken only five of the 40 pain pills in the bottle he'd emptied. Owens was asked by rescue workers "if he was attempting to harm himself, at which time [he] stated, 'Yes.'"
KTVT-TV in Dallas reported that a woman named "Etheridge", likely his publicist Kim Etheridge, called police at 7:51 p.m. to report a suicide attempt. KTVT-TV reported that Owens ingested 35 pills.
The Cowboys have called a 2:30 p.m. ET news conference.
Owens was taken to the emergency room Tuesday night. A source close to Owens had told ESPN's Ed Werder early Wednesday morning that Owens was suffering an adverse reaction to painkillers taken for treatment of his fractured hand.
"This is not serious," Etheridge said in Wednesday's online edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, before news of the reported suicide attempt was released.
A report earlier Tuesday stated that Owens would practice with the team Wednesday and possibly play Sunday at Tennessee, but his availability this week and beyond is now uncertain.


[SIZE=-2]Owens[/SIZE]Doctors treating the Dallas Cowboys receiver were trying to induce vomiting when he arrived at Baylor Medical Center, according to a television report.
Owens was brought by a fire rescue crew to the hospital, Dallas-Fort Worth television station KTVT reported, citing sources the television station did not identify. A reporter for the station later said she saw Owens being wheeled down the hall.
Calls from The Associated Press to Owens' agent, his publicist and the Cowboys were not immediately returned Tuesday night. The hospital told the AP that they do not have a patient registered by Owens' name; however, federal privacy laws allow people to block their name from being released.
No teammates or Cowboys officials were seen entering the hospital late Tuesday night.
Owens fractured the fourth metacarpal bone in the Cowboys' victory over the Washington Redskins and underwent surgery on Sept. 18. The next day, a plate was screwed in, protecting the bone so it can heal without further damage.
Cowboys coach Bill Parcells mentioned in a press conference shortly thereafter that pain medication had made Owens ill, apparently making this the second time he has had an adverse reaction. The incident that sent him to the hospital Tuesday night apparently occurred sometime after Owens took medication after catching passes at the Cowboys' facility on Tuesday.
With the Cowboys having had a bye last weekend, it was thought that Owens could return without having missed a game. Before Wednesday's developments, Owens said he would play Oct. 8, when he gets to face his former team, the Eagles, in Philadelphia.
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BuckNutty;619318; said:
I hear ya. You really need to start using the search function, Sparky.
Would the search function really stop anyone from posting TO news in the Buckeye Football forum though?

We need a WWJTD button. ... like the Staples "Easy Button."
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Dryden;619324; said:
Would the search function really stop anyone from posting TO news in the Buckeye Football forum though?

We need a WWJTD button. ... like the Staples "Easy Button."

Was that where it was? I didn't even bother to look before I made the merge. :shake:
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Seriously, I do hope he gets help but I am not looking forward to all the stories of how he battles this problem. Him coming back after his broken leg for the Super Bowl was enough TO to last a lifetime.

Hey, you think SuperAgent Drew was there to save him?
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Damn...no longer allowed to witness the denial over on the Cowboys insiders board

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Bucky Katt;619314; said:
Way to miss the other thread already dicussing this.
Het I got this info at 6:15 am my time, it isnt my fault that I am the last to know onthe west coast...if you guys would call me when you guys find this shit out when its like 3am here i wouldnt repost old stuff...savvy?
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Per ESPNews, T.O.'s people are now talking about an allergic reaction, trying to say it wasn't a suicide attempt.

They're trying to say he was groggy from pain medication, and when he affirmed to police that he was trying to harm himself by taking the pills, he wasn't aware of what he was saying.

Gawd, what a soap opera this will be!!

I've been ready for years for this guy to just go away. Can he be sentenced to a desert island with no cameras, no microphones, and no Internet?
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I don't think we can complain about the media attention this will get when there are 11 pages to this thread, and the last two have been spent discussing the latest.

And I agree with the assessment that if he wanted to kill himself, he could have just put a gun in his mouth. The guy has issues with needing attention, but is this the kind of publicity you want? I doubt it. So I'm going to assume he just had an allergic reaction.
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ESPN has a mailbag where you can post your thoughts about TO. Interestingly, they've studied to publish only one opinion on his situation - sympathy. :slappy:

Send your thoughts on Terrell Owens

For years, sports fans have vented their frustration toward Terrell Owens for his flamboyant ways on and off the field. It's hard not to have an opinion one way or another; either you love him for his big-play ability or you hate him for stomping on your team logo, dissing your quarterback or showing up your defensive backs.
But on Tuesday, the line between love and hate disappeared and was replaced by pure curiosity after it was reported that Owens attempted suicide by overdosing on pain medication.

The effects of this news will be widespread but we wanted to give you, SportsNation, an outlet to send your thoughts and concerns regarding this story. Use the form below and we will post a sampling of the responses.

Wayne (Dover, DE): As much as I despise the guy for what he did to my favorite team, the Eagles, you have to feel sorry when something like this happens to a member of the human race. Get well T.O., so Brian Dawkins can catch you going over the middle against the Eagles!

Steve, Vegas: We've picked at him for years, but the bottom line is this guy apparently has some real issues, and when thinking about his actions in the past (when I thought he was the biggest jerk on earth) it makes me wonder. This guy has needed help and all the yes-men around him have pushed him and pushed him and done nothing to help, or not enough I should say. It's sad, hopefully he'll be able to live a normal life eventually. Forget football right now. As a person I hope he gets through this.

Sean (Los Angeles): This story is very sad and transcends sports. I feel bad for him. Anytime a human being tries to take their own life, it's very sad. I wish him well. It shows us that life isn't all about money and sometimes those you'd least expect are the ones hurting the most.

Shane: I was getting a little tired of the T.O. saga these past two years. Then I read the Owens "Shock Therapy" article in ESPN the Mag and remembered that T.O. is just human. He has real feelings and real problems, just like you or me. My prayers go out to Terrell Owens and I hope he makes a speedy recovery.

Redondo Beach, CA: Whether you hate him or not, or you think it's a ploy for more publicity, it's sad. He's a man that needs help. I do not particularly care for T.O., but feel that despite his flamboyant behavior, this is a troubled man who needs serious help and prayers.

Josh, Cedar City, UT: I love watching T.O. play. There is no WR in my mind that plays as hard and dedicated as he does. I feel for T.O., I could only imagine how difficult life is for him right now. My prayers are with T.O. and his family.

Steve (Philadelphia): While we're all awaiting TO's return to the Linc, I hope that my fellow Eagle fans don't treat him too harshly with regards to this issue, as some things transcend sports. But for some reason, I don't see that happening.

Terence: As a person who suffers from depression, I would hate to judge T.O. or be in his shoes as this person who is constantly under judgement by others. Empathy seems to be a dying quality in today's society. T.O. will be in my thoughts and reflections, and I hope you can pause and perhaps employ a little empathy when analyzing T.O.

Eddie (Chicago): Obviously Terrell Owens is a troubled man in more ways than the media portrays. With the pressure of performing and living up to the expectations, as well as all the critics breathing down his neck, the pressure has to be absolutely collosal. If sports are what are causing him to jeopardize his health and life then maybe stepping away from the game and finding some peace in his life will make him a happier man.

Alex (Saint Paul): Hopefully, people will start treating him like a human now.

Travis (Burbank): Hopefully this will give folks like me (who have always somewhat despised T.O.) another angle to consider before prematurely judging Terrell based on the external appearance of things. It's a lesson I have to learn over and over again (in many different facets of life, not just sports). I am saddened that I drew too many conclusions about T.O. before knowing all the facts. My prayers are with you, T.O. I genuinely hope to see you back on the field soon!
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StadiumDorm;619375; said:
I don't think we can complain about the media attention this will get when there are 11 pages to this thread, and the last two have been spent discussing the latest.

And I agree with the assessment that if he wanted to kill himself, he could have just put a gun in his mouth. The guy has issues with needing attention, but is this the kind of publicity you want? I doubt it. So I'm going to assume he just had an allergic reaction.

Nothing that has come out has indicated an allergic reaction. He was in a "daze" and had an upset stomach.

He OD'd.
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FCollinsBuckeye (Ft. Collins, CO):

It's a shame to see an incredibly talented athlete of his fame and stature reduced to a depressed and suicidal wreck. I place the blame for this squarely on the shoulders of the Ohio States of the world. It's a 'win at all costs' mentality that neglects the emotional needs of the athletes. First Maurice Clarett, now T.O.

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FCollinsBuckeye;619547; said:
FCollinsBuckeye (Ft. Collins, CO):

It's a shame to see an incredibly talented athlete of his fame and stature reduced to a depressed and suicidal wreck. I place the blame for this squarely on the shoulders of the Ohio States of the world. It's a 'win at all costs' mentality that neglects the emotional needs of the athletes. First Maurice Clarett, now T.O.


You forgot Len Bias, OJ Simpson, and Rae Carruth, you dipshit. :roll1:
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