Starts in the trenches.
Up front against Grant, can't let him win. Good news is that he doesn't look great against Zone stretch. Gets reached one too many times. Downside is the rest of the weasel front flows and pursues quite well.
Can't let the big man eat like Harmon did in the Oregon game.
You've got The 'Shoe, you'll have the crowd noise. Be methodical, be patient, play field position, absolutely NO turnovers. Let these assholes blink first in a game of chicken, then capitalize on the mistakes and slowly squeeze the life out of them down the stretch.
This is already setting up like a nail biting, patient, war of attrition type Tresselball game.
I struggle to see many points being scored in the 1st half. But I need our corners to be ready to go. Can't help their terrible passing offense by giving them easy yards and cheap flags.