I lead, you follow.
Alright, well to simplify; realese date is July 27th. If you go to any Gamestop and pre-order or put more money on an existing pre-order you get a beta key for SC2. Unless otherwise invited.
It seems like we have a decent crowd so lets post up our identifiers and times that you usually play. At the very least we can get some unranked games in just to knock the rust off.
Tiamat.teron (dont ask)
I have this afternoon off, I have some errands to do and a late lunch with a friend. But I'll probably be on around 3ish if anybody is down for a couple quick matches.
It seems like we have a decent crowd so lets post up our identifiers and times that you usually play. At the very least we can get some unranked games in just to knock the rust off.
Tiamat.teron (dont ask)
I have this afternoon off, I have some errands to do and a late lunch with a friend. But I'll probably be on around 3ish if anybody is down for a couple quick matches.