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Speed of Big10 vs. other conferences

reagdog;1370975; said:
What are you talking about??? It's the AP poll #'s

Pitt was ranked higher than Org. St.
Ok. St. was ranked higher than Oregon
BYU was ranked and Uofeh wasn't
Neither Cal nor Miami were ranked
USC was ranked 1 spot higher than Penn State

Northwestern was ranked higher than Mizzou
MN, IA, SC, WI, FSU and KS are unranked
Michigan St. was #19 and Georgia #16
tOSU is #10 and TX #3

What am I missing?

Maybe it escaped you, but the P in AP stands for Press. Mark May is a member of the "press."

#5 Ariz (7-5) ? #3 BYU (10-3)
#4 Cal (8-4) ? #5 Miami (7-5)
#3 OSU (8-4) ? #3 Pitt (9-3)
#2 Oregon (9-3) ? #4 OSU (9-3)

P10 played
1 midmajor (3rd in MWC)
1 against ACC
1 against Big East
1 against B12

That?s 1 game against a major conference.

#6 Wiscy (7-5) ? #2 FSU (8-4)
#5 NW (9-3) ? #4 Mizzo (9-3)
#7 Minny (7-5) ? #7 Kansas (7-5)
#4 Iowa (8-4) ? #5 SC (7-5)
#3 MSU (9-3) ? #3 GA (9-3)

B10 played
1 against ACC
2 against B12
2 against SEC

That?s 4 games against major conferences.
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23Skidoo;1370981; said:
Maybe it escaped you, but the P in AP stands for Press. Mark May is a member of the "press."

#5 Ariz (7-5) ? #3 BYU (10-3)
#4 Cal (8-4) ? #5 Miami (7-5)
#3 OSU (8-4) ? #3 Pitt (9-3)
#2 Oregon (9-3) ? #4 OSU (9-3)

P10 played
1 midmajor (3rd in MWC)
1 against ACC
1 against Big East
1 against B12

That?s 1 game against a major conference.

#6 Wiscy (7-5) ? #2 FSU (8-4)
#5 NW (9-3) ? #4 Mizzo (9-3)
#7 Minny (7-5) ? #7 Kansas (7-5)
#4 Iowa (8-4) ? #5 SC (7-5)
#3 MSU (9-3) ? #3 GA (9-3)

B10 played
1 against ACC
2 against B12
2 against SEC

That?s 4 games against major conferences.

Shouldn't the strength be decided on how many ranked teams you played - not which conference they are in?
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reagdog;1370988; said:
Shouldn't the strength be decided on how many ranked teams you played - not which conference they are in?

If you like the media to do your thinking for you, yes.

Which, I suppose, brings us right back to how this thread was started in the first place. :banger:
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23Skidoo;1370994; said:
If you like the media to do your thinking for you, yes.

Which, I suppose, brings right back to how this thread was started in the first place. :banger:

I still don't know if I'm buying what you are selling. Hell just because you are in a major conference doesn't mean your $hit doesn't stink.
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reagdog;1370998; said:
I still don't know if I'm buying what you are selling. Hell just because you are in a major conference doesn't mean your doesn't stink.

Why do you think I also listed relative strength of teams within their own conference?

P10 finished higher in their conference than BCS opponents in 2/3 games and lower in none.
P10 also played 3rd best team from a midmajor.

B10 finished higher in their conference than BCS opponents in 1 game, and lower in 2/5.
B10 played no midmajors.
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23Skidoo;1371002; said:
Why do you think I also listed relative strength of teams within their own conference?

P10 finished higher in their conference than BCS opponents in 2/3 games and lower in none.
P10 also played 3rd best team from a midmajor.

B10 finished higher in their conference than BCS opponents in 1 game, and lower in 2/5.
B10 played no midmajors.

I really wasn't paying attention to "relative strength of teams within their own conference" numbers you posted since you didn't say what they were.

Maybe you are right and I am wrong. The Pac-10 can't help who they got paired up with and they won their games.
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reagdog;1371008; said:
I really wasn't paying attention to "relative strength of teams within their own conference" numbers you posted since you didn't say what they were.

Maybe you are right and I am wrong. The Pac-10 can't help who they got paired up with and they won their games.

Neither can the BigTen help that it consistently gets the toughest bowl matchups...year after year after year after year. Besides, most Pac10 bowl games are played on the West Coast. Nearly 100% of BigTen bowl games are played in either Pac10, SEC, or Big12 territory....usually against a team whose conference is that region.

yet you never hear the media dare touch that. They'd rather compare the ACC's gaudy bowl records against the likes of East Carolina, Connecticut, Memphis, etc to the BigTen's record against the likes of USC, LSU, Georgia, Missouri, Texas. I guarantee you an all star team of the BigEast and possibly the ACC too would lose to all but Missouri in a bowl game this year...and that would probably be a close game.

on another note.....Ohio STate's defense did a better job against Penn State.......MUCH better. And it probably looked faster doing it too.....but the media forgot to mention that one too.

USC is full of physical freaks and is only challenged by UF.
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There is a difference in the trenches. No doubt in my mind.

On both sides of the ball. The great teams always seem to have a solid O-line as well. Defensively, I am of the opinion that the Floridas, LSU (last year), and USCs, have multiple pass rushing threats along their fronts. They are able to get a quality guy in a favorable matchup, because they have greater depth (less opportunity for the offense to double someone). And if you do double, they win the other one on one battles. Also, when you have a deep and talented front, you can generate more pressure with less people. You don't have to pull an extra guy out of coverage to compensate for a lack of heat from your front four.

One more thing. While timed speed is important, the guys who play fast are the difference makers. Playing fast and running a fast 40 are not always the same thing. Too often, we get enamored with the measurables, and forget the main issue - can the guy play football?
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808 Buck;1371032; said:
On both sides of the ball. The great teams always seem to have a solid O-line as well. Defensively, I am of the opinion that the Floridas, LSU (last year), and USCs, have multiple pass rushing threats along their fronts. They are able to get a quality guy in a favorable matchup, because they have greater depth (less opportunity for the offense to double someone). And if you do double, they win the other one on one battles. Also, when you have a deep and talented front, you can generate more pressure with less people. You don't have to pull an extra guy out of coverage to compensate for a lack of heat from your front four.

One more thing. While timed speed is important, the guys who play fast are the difference makers. Playing fast and running a fast 40 are not always the same thing. Too often, we get enamored with the measurables, and forget the main issue - can the guy play football?

I think you're getting at the difference between speed and quickness.

You might have a point on the talent of DLines... but I'm not entirely sold. Though right now it would seem even a DT pairing we all thought was very good here just wasn't that phenomenal... and we haven't even had that at tOSU since 2006.
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23Skidoo;1371063; said:
You might have a point on the talent of DLines... but I'm not entirely sold. Though right now it would seem even a DT pairing we all thought was very good here just wasn't that phenomenal... and we haven't even had that at tOSU since 2006.

You could argue that it was 2002. For the life of me I have never been able to figure out why we can recruit studs all around on defense and have to settle at DT.
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BuckeyeMike80;1370956; said:
The speed discussion is a product of:


and other lazy-ass commentators who don't bother to research things like this douche:

but the myth itself is perpetuated by mouth-breathing, sister-fucking SEC fans like this douchebag (no offense intended Gator):

I'm basically good with what anybody says, since I'll be in Miami in four days, hanging with my buddies, eating a steak with a glass of red wine to chase the double bourbon rocks, and waiting for the BCSCG. :biggrin:

At this point I'm so happy with life that I'm damn near insult proof. :banger:
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Gatorubet;1371141; said:
I'm basically good with what anybody says, since I'll be in Miami in four days, hanging with my buddies, eating a steak with a glass of red wine to chase the double bourbon rocks, and waiting for the BCSCG. :biggrin:

At this point I'm so happy with life that I'm damn near insult proof. :banger:

Even Doug Johnson criticism won't phase you?
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It isn't speed. Utah players aren't any faster than Alabama's. But they looked faster because they were playing better, stronger, and more fundemental football. If you play football well, and are coached well, and aren't missing assignments, and are strong and just a good player, you are going to look A LOT faster than a player that isn't, even though they may be just as fast. Overall I don't think the Big Ten has any more or less speed than the rest of the country...I just think right now they aren't the best teams. Missing assignments, not playing smart, and in some areas, just not as talented. But I don't think it is about speed. Some players may be faster than others. Just the past few years, the Big Ten hasn't looked good in it's big non-con games. They have just played better teams. Everyone always just talks about speed. When it's not nearly the most important thing in football...not even close. There are many LBs that are faster than JL...but he tackles better, is smarter, and just is all around a better football player...he looks fast out there cuz he has a nose for the ball. Well i'd rather have 11 guys who haev a nose for the ball and have a feel for the game, then 11 guys who can run 4.4s but that's it.
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