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3yardsandacloud said:
OK, this horse had been officially beat to death. LSU or USC, it's just a matter of your perspective. It's obvious no one is interested in changing their opinion, so maybe we could let this topic die.

Yes--- If we could turn the discussion of the Mythical National Championship into a mythical thread... that'd be great :)
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Woody, that argument would be persuasive except that the AP poll comes out with a final ranking after the bowl games. The BCS stops before the bowls, so why would the AP come out with a final poll in January if it was merely a component? The AP is a component, but it is also more than that. It has been one of the most widely regarded NC polls for the last 70 years.

All I am saying is that if you want a "consensus" national champion, why tinker with the stupid BCS formula, and force the coaches to vote for the winner of the BCS game while allowing the AP to crown whoever it wants? Why not simply do a final BCS calculation after the bowls using both final polls, and whoever is #1 is the champ? Sure there will be controversy, but there is plenty of controversy allready, and there will be controversy regardless of any proposed "fix" to the BCS
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Ok this is what I've taken from this team as of right now.....

Offense- Its pretty crazy and very scary when bush has the ball. He reminds me of a bigger Darron Sproles. Lionheirt is just amazing in finding open recievers but is not mobil at all. There Receivers would get locked down or limited though against a superior Defensive Backfield. There Offensive Line has trouble with any type of Speed or Zone Blitzing but overall does a nice job run blocking.

Defense- Yeah they're quick as hell. maybe if lydel slowed down alittle he'd be SO slow they'd run right by him?????? Their D-Line is very quick off the ball but I noticed they over persue like our buckeyes do sometimes. Their Linebackers are fast but not great in coverage (if that makes sense) and I hate that guys last name (tatupu, it drives me crazy). Their Defensive Backfield is where they could end up getting hurt this year especially against a passing team like cal or someone like that.

Special Teams- Bauhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! If they don't score Touchdowns they sure as hell won't kick field goals! There Kickoff coverage is horrible, and there Kick Returns aren't very good either. They're dangerous in Punt Return, however. There Punter is pretty good but they don't cover on the punts really well either.

You know it would almost suck for our buckeyes to play this team in a bowl game because man It'd be pure hell from ESPN ,Trev Alberts, and Mark May for a whole month. We'd be given NO shot in this game. This game would probably scare me like Miami did back in 2002, but I think this team is set up EXACTLY like Miami. With USC having a Big Time offense with a big time play maker in the backfield, and also as well as a very Quick defense . The only difference is that Miami back in 2002 was a more all around team because they also had PIMP special teams also. I think USC is actually weak in special teams.

Whats your take on them?
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I get your point! I'd spy him as well..... Now I dunno who'd I'd spy him with but I mean Whitner would be a top choice thats for sure! I'm not going to say we'd win because USC is starting to win ugly like we do so they're having luck on their side an awful lot this year. I do think that we'd match up extreamly well with them, and I think we'd have a very above average chance at pulling the upset. We need to win all our regular season games first tho!!!

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At the start of the season I thought USC were unbeatable..but with 4 weeks into the season..USC is a very good team but not unbeatable. I would say the Miami 2002 team was better than USC. And for OSU..I believe as the season goes on we would see more and more of A. Pittman and may be E.Haw as well. We don't want to rush him early in the season and not have him contribute against Purdue, the TSUN and may be Orange/Rose bowl:-)

Meanwhile, I think Trev and Mark will hop on the OU bandwagon since they have a good running attack with A. Peterson..but their defense might not be that great..Let's see wheter Texas can do anything against OU or whether the red river shootout ends in another Holiday Bowl season for Texas..On a sidenote CFN has OSU Vs Texs in the rosebowl..They started the season predicting Capital Bowl or Outback for OSU and Michigan for Rosebowl..CFN is big on NCSU

OSU is going to play conservatively and if our running game improves with Pittman..look out for a 2002 like season!
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Dariuswagner said:
i have little doubt in my mind that we'd beat usc. spy bush with donte, game over.
What would make you think that we could score?

I think it would be a great game, and I would love to see it. Hey we might win but i think it is foolish to say that the game would be over if we spied Bush with Donte. Lets not forget Petey is great in big games ... he tends to drop some gimmies but he is great in the big ones.
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Yes Petey is a good coach in bowl games, but are you forgeting what our coach has accomplished? He's VERY good when he's given the chance to game plan for a month as well... I think the coaching on both teams would cancel each other out. Both Staffs are very good.

I not only think Dionte could Spi on Bush I think D'Andrea could spi him as well as carpenter and hawk for that matter?? Hell maybe if we ever faced them they'd put Fox in at Saftey and put him one on one with him??? Fox would do the job. Ohio State has the tools to shut Bush and company down but it would be a matter of execution.
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bukIpower said:

Yes Petey is a good coach in bowl games, but are you forgeting what our coach has accomplished? He's VERY good when he's given the chance to game plan for a month as well... I think the coaching on both teams would cancel each other out. Both Staffs are very good.

I not only think Dionte could Spi on Bush I think D'Andrea could spi him as well as carpenter and hawk for that matter?? Hell maybe if we ever faced them they'd put Fox in at Saftey and put him one on one with him??? Fox would do the job. Ohio State has the tools to shut Bush and company down but it would be a matter of execution.
I just don't know if we could score ... we didn't have a running game against Marshal, so I doubt would be able to run against USC, that means their whole D-line would be locked in on JZ. That just doesn't work out in our favor.

If we played USC at the shoe then I would put my money on OSU, but if we played them out west, either at the Rose bowl or at USC, cause its a home game for them either way, then I would put my money on USC.
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Yeah I guess I can see where you're coming from......

I don't think we'd score consistantly but I think with our field position deal we'd be bound to play tressel ball and kick field goals all night. Also IF we ever played them it'd be in a bowl game so I mean maybe we'd see an improvement like we did in the 2003 fiesta bowl??? Ya just never know?

I agree if it was on the west coast I'd be worried....... but I have no doubt in my mind I'd feel alot better if it was in the shoe! Hell if we met in the orange bowl this year we'd out sell them in tickets so it'd be like a home game for us.....

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