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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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I rewatched the game not long ago and I've got to say, I was very impressed with Andy Miller. If anyone was getting blown up on the line it was Brewster. Run blocking needs to improve and blitz protection assignments need to be understood better. I'm feeling better about our pass protection though.

Pryor was on in the first half. I think the entire team lost a little focus in the 2nd half and I think some of that could be placed on the coaches. Putting Bauserman in there so early may have had something to do with that. One thing is for sure, we will be prepared mentally for USC.

USCstephen or whatever your name is. Almost every single one of Barkley's passes was like the same play. Less predictable than Sark? I watched his Huskies put up a damn good fight last night against and SEC defense with a very unpredictable set of plays and alignments. I'm calling shenanigans on you. Your offense is as vanilla as it's ever been. Off the tackle left, off the tackle right, play action hit the tight end/full back in motion or the split end on a button hook. Shut the [censored] up.
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ysubuck;1531938; said:
It certainly isn't out of the question.

EDIT If they NEED any fucking motivation at this point then all is lost, IMO.

Agreed. I can think of 2 examples off the top of my head where a much maligned OSU offense actually came out and whipped some ass. 2004 Fiesta Bowl vs KSU and The Game 2004.

I hope we can add another chapter to that painfully short list but I'm not counting on it.
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It isn't the offense that I'm worried about. If I had to worry about the offense, I might as well not watch the game next week. The back seven scares me. I only see two, maybe three guys making plays back there. Except Coleman, I did not see the DBs in a position to contest passes, which would be very bad against an accurate passer like Barkley. Furthermore, even though the middle of the defense held up most of the time, Navy's running attack gradually wore them out. SC's interior OL and backs have five times the talent and depth that Navy has. And finally, I don't have confidence in the ability of our LBers to deny the outside to SC's backs, which is going to cause huge issues. Now, that's just on the defensive side of the ball. Needless to say, no point in worrying about the offense if we can't get these problems on defense take care of.
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MANofTROY;1531920; said:
1st let me start by saying i have nothing but respect for Ohio state and i truly hope if we fall to you guys in ohio that you guys come back to SoCAL for some unfinished buisness early 2010. But in regards to sflbuck you have shown no respect and or give no credit to usc. We played extremely conservative against a very agressive defense and pulled off a huge victory and all you can say is "there defense was gassed". I can ask you why wasnt Navys defense gassed? They are known only for the tripple offense, san jose has a far better defense then they do. I made sure i watched the ohio state game and i loved how TP looked i truly believe Ohio state can beat anyone this year but i dont dare take credit away from your victory i watched it i seen how everything played out and i wasnt the least bit unimpressed by the close game, Tressel showed Pryor some respect and trusted him to get it done on fourth and short and he didnt, i think it was the best call of the game im sure it gave pryor even more motivation for this year he truly has improved much. But back to the reason i posted sflbuck for you to sit there and make excuse after excuse for sc's success is pitiful but with all do respect id also be angry if we had nothing to take to the film room and work with thats fully being honest we did everything we wanted to do and im sure you guys have realized we seen what ohio state has, but all ohio state has seen is the nations best running back stable this is going to be a very dangerous game for both teams even with a victory we both have a very difficult schedule ahead of us. With michigan, penn state, cal, and oregon state playing the way they did i think its really about time for the big10 and pac10 to return to glory i was the least bit impressed with Oklahoma state,choklahoma,Lsu,georgia,virginia tech and Bama i think we both would light any of these schools up easily as for texas and florida after what we seen yesterday they have a cakewalk to the national championship there confrences are puke.

Sorry man, in no way did I mean to disrespect USC. I totally agree that you pounded SJSU while at the same time not showing us much of your offense. In fact that was the point I was trying to make with my post. After watching yesterday's game with Navy and upon hearing your score with SJSU I did not think we had had much chance this Saturday. After watching both games, I still think that USC should be a strong favorite.

My main point was that the things that you showed on offense yesterday did make me "feel better" about our chances. The way USC relied on the short passing game and a strong running game, IMO plays into what OSU has historically has done well on defense. That is keep the play in front of you, tackle well in space and don't allow the big play. We will have to wait until this Saturday to see if this year's OSU defense can continue delivering that type of play. And if PC opens up the playbook and Barkley delivers, all bets are off.

No disrespect intended
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Tresselbeliever;1531950; said:
It isn't the offense that I'm worried about. If I had to worry about the offense, I might as well not watch the game next week. The back seven scares me. I only see two, maybe three guys making plays back there. Except Coleman, I did not see the DBs in a position to contest passes, which would be very bad against an accurate passer like Barkley. Furthermore, even though the middle of the defense held up most of the time, Navy's running attack gradually wore them out. SC's interior OL and backs have five times the talent and depth that Navy has. And finally, I don't have confidence in the ability of our LBers to deny the outside to SC's backs, which is going to cause huge issues. Now, that's just on the defensive side of the ball. Needless to say, no point in worrying about the offense if we can't get these problems on defense take care of.

Against an O like Navy's there are going to be gashes for yards. Breakdowns, etc. because you just can't get a look during practice that in any way resembles the efficiency that an actual triple option team gives you. I'm ok with the D except for Anderson Russell in man.

The D needs to sell out to stop the run. I feel that USC is going to run until Ohio State takes it away from them. The crowd will be nuts and that will be unsettling, but if USC gets a couple of quick scores the crowd will die pretty quickly. I think that many Ohio State fans are going to hear how bad this team is all week and will sit down at the first sign of adversity.
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A few things concern me about the USC game:

(1) Our performance against Navy. The secondary is still pretty much untested and from what I did see, we're in trouble if Barkley starts hitting his receivers. I doubt this is a very big threat though.
(2) USC's running game. No they aren't running the triple option. Yea, they have way better running backs than Navy. I''m sure the o-line is awesome as usual. I feel like this part is by far their biggest threat.
(3) Our crowd. I keep hearing how our crowd will intimidate and rattle the Trojans, Barkley in particular. Well, if the game was a few weeks later I would be on board. Classes don't start until the 21st so a large chunk of the students will be missing. I'm not sure how the crowd did vs. Navy but it won't be a typical big-game crowd for USC. Hopefully they don't need the 12th man to win the game.

I was pretty confident last week we could beat USC since they had a few injuries, freshman qb, academic casualties, etc. After yesterday I'm just really unsure. I am keeping in mind that this was the first game (rusty), Navy is no joke (they have decent talent, great discipline), and they run an unconventional offense. Eh, just had to get this stuff off my chest. I'm going nuts Saturday regardless. Am I wrong on any of these?
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sflbuck;1531958; said:
Sorry man, in no way did I mean to disrespect USC. I totally agree that you pounded SJSU while at the same time not showing us much of your offense. In fact that was the point I was trying to make with my post. After watching yesterday's game with Navy and upon hearing your score with SJSU I did not think we had had much chance this Saturday. After watching both games, I still think that USC should be a strong favorite.

My main point was that the things that you showed on offense yesterday did make me "feel better" about our chances. The way USC relied on the short passing game and a strong running game, IMO plays into what OSU has historically has done well on defense. That is keep the play in front of you, tackle well in space and don't allow the big play. We will have to wait until this Saturday to see if this year's OSU defense can continue delivering that type of play. And if PC opens up the playbook and Barkley delivers, all bets are off.

No disrespect intended
Nice, I hope petey opens up the book you guys have to see what we see at practice the barkley you seen was childs play. I mean that with all my heart you can just search his name on youtube and compare it to the san jose game and realize pete really wanted to protect the kid. But i also think pete might still play it safe we really do believe with our OL we can pound the ball through all of our opponents and if they prove they can stop the run they get to see our cannon. If you guys are able to stop the run and get a look at barkelys arm you will be amaized but you will also have a great chance to create some turnovers he is of coarse a true freshman. The vest and cpc are going to go to war these two teams are fursure going to be in the national championship in the next few years to come.
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For those of you who have not taken the time to search it here is the weapon known as Matt Barkley that pete is hiding from you!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjeHP6cCMSw&feature=fvst]YouTube - Highlights of QB Matt Barkley, #2 on the Takkle/SI Top 200[/ame]
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MANofTROY;1531983; said:
For those of you who have not taken the time to search it here is the weapon known as Matt Barkley that pete is hiding from you!
YouTube - Highlights of QB Matt Barkley, #2 on the Takkle/SI Top 200

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Tresselbeliever: The back seven didn't inspire much confidence, at least up until Rolle's pick. I want to blame Navy's "exotic" offense, but it's just option football. Play your assignment, tackle in space. What I felt is that their reactions were late, as if there was too much thinking going on. Tackling was good and the speed was obviously there, it was more like guys getting a late break on the plays. The upside is that it's a big, fast bunch and they'll get better, and maybe playing a conventional offense will lead to more instinctive play.

The upside for us is that Barkley is more potential than accomplishment at this point, like Colt McCoy in his first start against us. He's not going to be able to take advantage of every mistake our secondary makes; they just can't make too many, because even a Freshman is going to recognize blown coverage (see Dobbs' TD tosses) and try to exploit it. He will also make mistakes, and the ability of the front four to get after him will be crucial. Paging Mr. Thad Gibson on line 1. I also like the potential for zone blitzes to create pressure and confusion, particularly from Rolle.

My two deep concerns with the defense against Navy were that they couldn't get off the field at times, yielding long drives, and that they gave up big plays. Winning the turnover margin was a huge plus, but you also have to force punts.

As far as the offense, I'm not as worried as some people. Tressel went into the Navy game with obviously one of those inflexible game plans; Bauserman plays in the second quarter no matter what, Pryor throws on the following plays no matter what, QB draws are banned, etc. I almost thought that TP had a black jersey on at times. To me, it didn't look much at all like last season, both in good and bad ways.

Make no mistake about it -- Pryor will run the ball a lot more against SC, primarily because I think that's what will be available. Coverage will be a lot tighter, and I don't see our receivers getting open as much as they did against Navy. Hopefully, we'll see the TEs and RBs used more, because that tends to occupy LBs, leaving TP more running lanes. We have to create mismatches, and the greatest mismatch is Pryor one-on-one in space with a linebacker.

Anyway, I don't think the disparity between OSU and USC is anywhere near what the opening week scores would suggest. What is worrisome for a lot of people is that this appears to be a Tivo of last year -- limping into the USC game after a lackluster home opener. I'd suggest that past isn't prologue for several reasons: first, the Navy game wasn't that bad. Navy is a better opponent than we saw last year, and for large swaths of the game, OSU played well, at times extremely well. Second, this isn't last year's USC team. They're very good and have a tremendous amount of talent, but aren't yet an upgrade at most positions. Third, it's a night game in Columbus. While that's no guarantee (Texas), it puts the team in an environment where every positive development charges the atmosphere. It's not at all like playing a mid major at noon, where the boo birds come out early and grumbling dominates the second half. The grouchy geriatrics stay home for night games, thankfully. Finally, the Navy game ended on a thrilling, 2002-style snatching of victory from the jaws of overtime. Despite the opponent, it's the kind of win that inspires confidence in a team and teaches them to keep after it every play, no matter how the game has gone until that moment. Next Saturday, if OSU is up six with a minute to go and USC is driving, would you bet your money on the untested Freshman QB or would you bet on a defense that's already pulled one win out of the fire?
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