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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

What up BP forum? I first found this site a while ago while scouring the internet for my daily Terrelle Pryor update. Then you locked the thread. . .

Anyway, since I'm an incoming freshman at The Ohio State University, I decided to come back and register. Livin in Shaker Heights for another two months, then it's down to C-Bus. Go Bucks, baby! :oh:
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[quote='BusNative;121162;6]I'll say... Aug 2004?!?!?!

So tell me, what was it like posting on the walls of caves during the BP stone age? :biggrin:[/quote]

My chisel broke early and I could never find one with the right feel. lol. Yeah I signed up early and read mostly.
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kentuckybuckeye;1213575; said:
Oh yeah, I'm an Xbox 360 fan, COD4 and Halo 2 (can't stand Halo 3).

Been a member here awhile, just don't post alot.

Halo 2?? Your crazy....and ditto on not posting a lot.

Much rather play Halo 2 than Halo 3. The new engine they ran with 3 sucks. I have never played a game without some type of lag. Plus they screwed up most of the weapons. The maps are bad with the exception of 2 or 3. All around they took a great game and turned it into a disappointment. I would rather play COD4 anytime.
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Hello, Buckeye fans. :)

I'm a Texas fan, as you can see, probably the first one on the forum. Never had a problem with the Buckeyes (until they played Texas, but I automatically hate teams that play Texas). I love the class they showed us after they beat us in Austin. Hope to post often.
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TexasFootball;1218121; said:
Hello, Buckeye fans. :)

I'm a Texas fan, as you can see, probably the first one on the forum. Never had a problem with the Buckeyes (until they played Texas, but I automatically hate teams that play Texas). I love the class they showed us after they beat us in Austin. Hope to post often.

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TexasFootball;1218121; said:
Hello, Buckeye fans. :)

I'm a Texas fan, as you can see, probably the first one on the forum. Never had a problem with the Buckeyes (until they played Texas, but I automatically hate teams that play Texas). I love the class they showed us after they beat us in Austin. Hope to post often.

Not the first one by a long shot. Each of the games we played recently had a thread dedicated to it, and they are the two longest threads on this entire site. Much of that is due to the great discussion we had with many Longhorn visitors.

It is safe to say that the general impression on this board is that UT had by far the best group of visiting fans that we've ever had here.
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i am considering inviting myself here, since i have recently been: [a] banned for life from Bucknuts, [b} the beneficiary of several nice, honest Buckeye fan campaigns to send me to some fine Over the Fence St. Elsewhere, and [c] totally known as i truly am by certain moderators who hold the keys to their respective kingdoms. I offer these facts as a 'disclosure' to those already here, to use as you choose. [new para] I like to feed back to people what they say or imply, to find out if they accept what they're posting. That's because i think it unreasonable and immoral to not take a person at their word...just because many either don't bother to say what they mean, or play various games. OTOH, it's not prudent to accept the words of someone unwilling to say what they mean. So, any way from ethical to practical, it's worth finding out from each person...where they are coming from...from them, first. So that's where i'm coming from...when i'm trying to walk my talk. If you think i'm not...please, call me on it, anytime. "Recovery" is my most important practice. And this, to my understanding, is a 'forum' - an open crossroads of people where, whenever any poster posts, it's...all yours 'on the record'. Put another way, if you wanted to do it with someone else, someplace else, some other way...then you should have taken your own advice. You didn't, and so it's here. For you Celebrators of Diversity, that means it's "fair". [new para] thus, upon a certain, simple relationship - ie say what you mean, and walk your talk - proceeding to topics of mutual interest regarding the Buckeyes, becomes actual learning and fun, mixed. This process...to apply JT sayings...first sets aside the 'and so forths', in order to get 'the idea' in order to focus on some 'task at hand' [the agreed topic]. [new para] So, i've disclosed how several powers that be perceive me, and a way for any person to 'handshake' with any other in order to proceed on common ground, and my intent here. However, before i proceed, i'll first listen to what folks already here, have to say about my participation. Regardless, rest assured I have already received on Good Authority that each poster is 'worth it'...come what may. And although the permission of the BuckeyePlanet management to post here, while necessary and done first and my appreciation notwithstanding...is not 'the rest of the story'. Over to each of you.... :oh:
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Buck68;1218520; said:
i am considering inviting myself here, since i have recently been: [a] banned for life from Bucknuts, [b} the beneficiary of several nice, honest Buckeye fan campaigns to send me to some fine Over the Fence St. Elsewhere, and [c] totally known as i truly am by certain moderators who hold the keys to their respective kingdoms. I offer these facts as a 'disclosure' to those already here, to use as you choose. [new para] I like to feed back to people what they say or imply, to find out if they accept what they're posting. That's because i think it unreasonable and immoral to not take a person at their word...just because many either don't bother to say what they mean, or play various games. OTOH, it's not prudent to accept the words of someone unwilling to say what they mean. So, any way from ethical to practical, it's worth finding out from each person...where they are coming from...from them, first. So that's where i'm coming from...when i'm trying to walk my talk. If you think i'm not...please, call me on it, anytime. "Recovery" is my most important practice. And this, to my understanding, is a 'forum' - an open crossroads of people where, whenever any poster posts, it's...all yours 'on the record'. Put another way, if you wanted to do it with someone else, someplace else, some other way...then you should have taken your own advice. You didn't, and so it's here. For you Celebrators of Diversity, that means it's "fair". [new para] thus, upon a certain, simple relationship - ie say what you mean, and walk your talk - proceeding to topics of mutual interest regarding the Buckeyes, becomes actual learning and fun, mixed. This process...to apply JT sayings...first sets aside the 'and so forths', in order to get 'the idea' in order to focus on some 'task at hand' [the agreed topic]. [new para] So, i've disclosed how several powers that be perceive me, and a way for any person to 'handshake' with any other in order to proceed on common ground, and my intent here. However, before i proceed, i'll first listen to what folks already here, have to say about my participation. Regardless, rest assured I have already received on Good Authority that each poster is 'worth it'...come what may. And although the permission of the BuckeyePlanet management to post here, while necessary and done first and my appreciation notwithstanding...is not 'the rest of the story'. Over to each of you.... :oh:

Great... another lawyer on BP! :wink:

jk... welcome 68. And the "Enter" key (on the right side of your keyboard right above the "Shift" key) works much better for starting a new paragraph, but that's just my opinion and so forth.

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Buck68;1218520; said:
i am considering inviting myself here, since i have recently been: [a] banned for life from Bucknuts, [b} the beneficiary of several nice, honest Buckeye fan campaigns to send me to some fine Over the Fence St. Elsewhere, and [c] totally known as i truly am by certain moderators who hold the keys to their respective kingdoms. I offer these facts as a 'disclosure' to those already here, to use as you choose. [new para] I like to feed back to people what they say or imply, to find out if they accept what they're posting. That's because i think it unreasonable and immoral to not take a person at their word...just because many either don't bother to say what they mean, or play various games. OTOH, it's not prudent to accept the words of someone unwilling to say what they mean. So, any way from ethical to practical, it's worth finding out from each person...where they are coming from...from them, first. So that's where i'm coming from...when i'm trying to walk my talk. If you think i'm not...please, call me on it, anytime. "Recovery" is my most important practice. And this, to my understanding, is a 'forum' - an open crossroads of people where, whenever any poster posts, it's...all yours 'on the record'. Put another way, if you wanted to do it with someone else, someplace else, some other way...then you should have taken your own advice. You didn't, and so it's here. For you Celebrators of Diversity, that means it's "fair". [new para] thus, upon a certain, simple relationship - ie say what you mean, and walk your talk - proceeding to topics of mutual interest regarding the Buckeyes, becomes actual learning and fun, mixed. This process...to apply JT sayings...first sets aside the 'and so forths', in order to get 'the idea' in order to focus on some 'task at hand' [the agreed topic]. [new para] So, i've disclosed how several powers that be perceive me, and a way for any person to 'handshake' with any other in order to proceed on common ground, and my intent here. However, before i proceed, i'll first listen to what folks already here, have to say about my participation. Regardless, rest assured I have already received on Good Authority that each poster is 'worth it'...come what may. And although the permission of the BuckeyePlanet management to post here, while necessary and done first and my appreciation notwithstanding...is not 'the rest of the story'. Over to each of you.... :oh:

Cliff notes?
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Buck68;1218520; said:
i am considering inviting myself here, since i have recently been: [a] banned for life from Bucknuts, [b} the beneficiary of several nice, honest Buckeye fan campaigns to send me to some fine Over the Fence St. Elsewhere, and [c] totally known as i truly am by certain moderators who hold the keys to their respective kingdoms. I offer these facts as a 'disclosure' to those already here, to use as you choose. [new para] I like to feed back to people what they say or imply, to find out if they accept what they're posting. That's because i think it unreasonable and immoral to not take a person at their word...just because many either don't bother to say what they mean, or play various games. OTOH, it's not prudent to accept the words of someone unwilling to say what they mean. So, any way from ethical to practical, it's worth finding out from each person...where they are coming from...from them, first. So that's where i'm coming from...when i'm trying to walk my talk. If you think i'm not...please, call me on it, anytime. "Recovery" is my most important practice. And this, to my understanding, is a 'forum' - an open crossroads of people where, whenever any poster posts, it's...all yours 'on the record'. Put another way, if you wanted to do it with someone else, someplace else, some other way...then you should have taken your own advice. You didn't, and so it's here. For you Celebrators of Diversity, that means it's "fair". [new para] thus, upon a certain, simple relationship - ie say what you mean, and walk your talk - proceeding to topics of mutual interest regarding the Buckeyes, becomes actual learning and fun, mixed. This process...to apply JT sayings...first sets aside the 'and so forths', in order to get 'the idea' in order to focus on some 'task at hand' [the agreed topic]. [new para] So, i've disclosed how several powers that be perceive me, and a way for any person to 'handshake' with any other in order to proceed on common ground, and my intent here. However, before i proceed, i'll first listen to what folks already here, have to say about my participation. Regardless, rest assured I have already received on Good Authority that each poster is 'worth it'...come what may. And although the permission of the BuckeyePlanet management to post here, while necessary and done first and my appreciation notwithstanding...is not 'the rest of the story'. Over to each of you.... :oh:

So basically you're researching a thesis about the BP forum?
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Buck68;1218520; said:
i am considering inviting myself here, since i have recently been: [a] banned for life from Bucknuts, [b} the beneficiary of several nice, honest Buckeye fan campaigns to send me to some fine Over the Fence St. Elsewhere, and [c] totally known as i truly am by certain moderators who hold the keys to their respective kingdoms. I offer these facts as a 'disclosure' to those already here, to use as you choose. [new para] I like to feed back to people what they say or imply, to find out if they accept what they're posting. That's because i think it unreasonable and immoral to not take a person at their word...just because many either don't bother to say what they mean, or play various games. OTOH, it's not prudent to accept the words of someone unwilling to say what they mean. So, any way from ethical to practical, it's worth finding out from each person...where they are coming from...from them, first. So that's where i'm coming from...when i'm trying to walk my talk. If you think i'm not...please, call me on it, anytime. "Recovery" is my most important practice. And this, to my understanding, is a 'forum' - an open crossroads of people where, whenever any poster posts, it's...all yours 'on the record'. Put another way, if you wanted to do it with someone else, someplace else, some other way...then you should have taken your own advice. You didn't, and so it's here. For you Celebrators of Diversity, that means it's "fair". [new para] thus, upon a certain, simple relationship - ie say what you mean, and walk your talk - proceeding to topics of mutual interest regarding the Buckeyes, becomes actual learning and fun, mixed. This process...to apply JT sayings...first sets aside the 'and so forths', in order to get 'the idea' in order to focus on some 'task at hand' [the agreed topic]. [new para] So, i've disclosed how several powers that be perceive me, and a way for any person to 'handshake' with any other in order to proceed on common ground, and my intent here. However, before i proceed, i'll first listen to what folks already here, have to say about my participation. Regardless, rest assured I have already received on Good Authority that each poster is 'worth it'...come what may. And although the permission of the BuckeyePlanet management to post here, while necessary and done first and my appreciation notwithstanding...is not 'the rest of the story'. Over to each of you.... :oh:

What the Fuck!?!? You lost me somewhere in between "I am Considering" and "to each of you....."

Jesus God, a simple "Hey guys, I'm new, how's it going?" would have done the trick.

edit; BTW, I think half this board got banned from BN at one point or another.
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TexasFootball;1218121; said:
Hello, Buckeye fans. :)

I'm a Texas fan, as you can see, probably the first one on the forum. Never had a problem with the Buckeyes (until they played Texas, but I automatically hate teams that play Texas). I love the class they showed us after they beat us in Austin. Hope to post often.

The people in Austin were very, very nice. By far the best away game experience I've ever had. Welcome aboard.

DaddyBigBucks;1218139; said:
It is safe to say that the general impression on this board is that UT had by far the best group of visiting fans that we've ever had here.


And in the face of some pretty rude tOSU fans - including one very aggressive 'Bus :paranoid:
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