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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

Deety;1030437; said:

I expected better of you!


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BuckeyeCrazy107;1030519; said:
Ya kind of. Not exactly in the "Valley." It is just over the mountains from Malibu and is a twenty minute drive to Malibu.

Yeah, I knew it wasn't in the valley but it was down that way, I have never been there, I just remember seeing mention of it that way on the 405. I live up near the 405 and the 55, in the OC, but was born in Troy, OH.
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OCBucksFan;1030522; said:
Yeah, I knew it wasn't in the valley but it was down that way, I have never been there, I just remember seeing mention of it that way on the 405. I live up near the 405 and the 55, in the OC, but was born in Troy, OH.
Ya I've been up there a couple times. Originally from Cleveland. It sucks having to deal with all of this USC crap here.
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First off, I'd like to say hello to all fellow college football fans on here. I've been browsing here for about a week and just now finally decided to sign up. I'm more of a lurker than anything on most forums (except for a few I've joined), so it might take awhile for me to even get up to 100 posts. Normally, I'd have waited even longer to sign up. Even though I'm a Penn State fan, I also follow Notre Dame *puts up flame shield*, and I'm becoming more of a Big Ten conference fan as time goes by. I've been defending OSU more and more when people have questioned their ability to play with the SEC teams. I'm glad to see Indiana go to a bowl after a long, long drought. I can't say I'll cheer for Michigan in their bowl game, though, I'm still undecided on that.

Part of why I signed up is to prove that not all Penn State fans are idiots to help improve our image among Ohio State fans (because of the YouTube video that made national news), but after that last loser you've had to deal with, my job just became a whole lot harder. Before anyone asks, yes, I unfortunately know that PennState1985 guy. And yes, he's every bit the idiot in real life that he is online, maybe even moreso. I made the mistake of letting him sign up under my e-mail to what I believed was a newsletter from what I saw on the front page (I've let others sign up under my e-mail for newsletters before), but about a week later I decided to actually check out this site, which seemed like a great site. But then I saw his stupidity on here, at which point I'd had enough. I basically told him to stop posting like an idiot and to change his registration e-mail because if the shit hit the fan on here (like it has other places he's been), I didn't want to be involved. Apparently he took that to mean "stop posting altogether". :biggrin: And of course, he came crying to me about when you guys gave him what he deserved. I'll admit, this moron is sort of a "friend", only because I've felt a little sorry for him over the years, but I'm starting to feel less and less sorry for him over time. He's the same age as me, yet behaves like a spoiled little brat (and wonders why nobody can stand him). I know it was dumb of me to actually let him sign up for something under my name, and I'm prepared for that to be made known to me in no uncertain terms.

Another part of why I signed up is to cheer OSU on in the National Championship game against LSU. Everybody seems to have placed their money on LSU, but I'm 100% certain that OSU is going to win it and win it big. I'll even be bold enough to predict that OSU will hold LSU to a field goal for most of the game, leading 41-3 at one point, and maybe allowing two meaningless touchdowns in the last two minutes. I can't wait until Ohio State wipes the smirks off of those smug LSU fans. Ohio State's been able to stop speedy teams this year, I noticed this with the Penn State game where you actually stopped Penn State's running game cold. I don't even think the game was as close as what I saw on the scoreboard. Your Beanie Wells is incredible! His running game actually reminds me a lot of PSU's own Michael Robinson from 2005. You also managed to hold Michigan to just a field goal, something I can't remember ever seeing before. With the weapons you have at hand, OSU will be taking down LSU and winning the National Championship for the Big Ten. I may not be an actual OSU fan, but you'd better believe I'll be pulling for you to win it. And for Illinois to win the Rose Bowl.

But mostly why I signed up is because I love talking about college football with other football fans, lately it's become almost an obsession. I even installed an application on Facebook to predict the scores and discussed it with other college football fans.

Sorry about the long introduction. I just had a lot to say here. Did I put it in the right place?
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Wingate1217;1031963; said:
Welcome to BP and although I would like to share your optimism regarding the NC game I think it will be a close one rather than the blow out you predict.....

Statistically it looks like it would be a close game, but I've seen stranger things happen. Namely the Wisconsin/Penn State game this year. The general prediction was a close game, even slightly favoring Wisconsin, but the result was 38-7 Penn State.
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MVillani1985;1031956; said:
First off, I'd like to say hello to all fellow college football fans on here. I've been browsing here for about a week and just now finally decided to sign up. I'm more of a lurker than anything on most forums (except for a few I've joined), so it might take awhile for me to even get up to 100 posts. Normally, I'd have waited even longer to sign up. Even though I'm a Penn State fan, I also follow Notre Dame *puts up flame shield*, and I'm becoming more of a Big Ten conference fan as time goes by. I've been defending OSU more and more when people have questioned their ability to play with the SEC teams. I'm glad to see Indiana go to a bowl after a long, long drought. I can't say I'll cheer for Michigan in their bowl game, though, I'm still undecided on that.

Part of why I signed up is to prove that not all Penn State fans are idiots to help improve our image among Ohio State fans (because of the YouTube video that made national news), but after that last loser you've had to deal with, my job just became a whole lot harder. Before anyone asks, yes, I unfortunately know that PennState1985 guy. And yes, he's every bit the idiot in real life that he is online, maybe even moreso. I made the mistake of letting him sign up under my e-mail to what I believed was a newsletter from what I saw on the front page (I've let others sign up under my e-mail for newsletters before), but about a week later I decided to actually check out this site, which seemed like a great site. But then I saw his stupidity on here, at which point I'd had enough. I basically told him to stop posting like an idiot and to change his registration e-mail because if the shit hit the fan on here (like it has other places he's been), I didn't want to be involved. Apparently he took that to mean "stop posting altogether". :biggrin: And of course, he came crying to me about when you guys gave him what he deserved. I'll admit, this moron is sort of a "friend", only because I've felt a little sorry for him over the years, but I'm starting to feel less and less sorry for him over time. He's the same age as me, yet behaves like a spoiled little brat (and wonders why nobody can stand him). I know it was dumb of me to actually let him sign up for something under my name, and I'm prepared for that to be made known to me in no uncertain terms.

Another part of why I signed up is to cheer OSU on in the National Championship game against LSU. Everybody seems to have placed their money on LSU, but I'm 100% certain that OSU is going to win it and win it big. I'll even be bold enough to predict that OSU will hold LSU to a field goal for most of the game, leading 41-3 at one point, and maybe allowing two meaningless touchdowns in the last two minutes. I can't wait until Ohio State wipes the smirks off of those smug LSU fans. Ohio State's been able to stop speedy teams this year, I noticed this with the Penn State game where you actually stopped Penn State's running game cold. I don't even think the game was as close as what I saw on the scoreboard. Your Beanie Wells is incredible! His running game actually reminds me a lot of PSU's own Michael Robinson from 2005. You also managed to hold Michigan to just a field goal, something I can't remember ever seeing before. With the weapons you have at hand, OSU will be taking down LSU and winning the National Championship for the Big Ten. I may not be an actual OSU fan, but you'd better believe I'll be pulling for you to win it. And for Illinois to win the Rose Bowl.

But mostly why I signed up is because I love talking about college football with other football fans, lately it's become almost an obsession. I even installed an application on Facebook to predict the scores and discussed it with other college football fans.

Sorry about the long introduction. I just had a lot to say here. Did I put it in the right place?

We believe you, you are not PennState1985, and ""No", you should not be banned!
Upvote 0
MVillani1985;1031956; said:
First off, I'd like to say hello to all fellow college football fans on here. I've been browsing here for about a week and just now finally decided to sign up. I'm more of a lurker than anything on most forums (except for a few I've joined), so it might take awhile for me to even get up to 100 posts. Normally, I'd have waited even longer to sign up. Even though I'm a Penn State fan, I also follow Notre Dame *puts up flame shield*, and I'm becoming more of a Big Ten conference fan as time goes by. I've been defending OSU more and more when people have questioned their ability to play with the SEC teams. I'm glad to see Indiana go to a bowl after a long, long drought. I can't say I'll cheer for Michigan in their bowl game, though, I'm still undecided on that.

Part of why I signed up is to prove that not all Penn State fans are idiots to help improve our image among Ohio State fans (because of the YouTube video that made national news), but after that last loser you've had to deal with, my job just became a whole lot harder. Before anyone asks, yes, I unfortunately know that PennState1985 guy. And yes, he's every bit the idiot in real life that he is online, maybe even moreso. I made the mistake of letting him sign up under my e-mail to what I believed was a newsletter from what I saw on the front page (I've let others sign up under my e-mail for newsletters before), but about a week later I decided to actually check out this site, which seemed like a great site. But then I saw his stupidity on here, at which point I'd had enough. I basically told him to stop posting like an idiot and to change his registration e-mail because if the shit hit the fan on here (like it has other places he's been), I didn't want to be involved. Apparently he took that to mean "stop posting altogether". :biggrin: And of course, he came crying to me about when you guys gave him what he deserved. I'll admit, this moron is sort of a "friend", only because I've felt a little sorry for him over the years, but I'm starting to feel less and less sorry for him over time. He's the same age as me, yet behaves like a spoiled little brat (and wonders why nobody can stand him). I know it was dumb of me to actually let him sign up for something under my name, and I'm prepared for that to be made known to me in no uncertain terms.

Another part of why I signed up is to cheer OSU on in the National Championship game against LSU. Everybody seems to have placed their money on LSU, but I'm 100% certain that OSU is going to win it and win it big. I'll even be bold enough to predict that OSU will hold LSU to a field goal for most of the game, leading 41-3 at one point, and maybe allowing two meaningless touchdowns in the last two minutes. I can't wait until Ohio State wipes the smirks off of those smug LSU fans. Ohio State's been able to stop speedy teams this year, I noticed this with the Penn State game where you actually stopped Penn State's running game cold. I don't even think the game was as close as what I saw on the scoreboard. Your Beanie Wells is incredible! His running game actually reminds me a lot of PSU's own Michael Robinson from 2005. You also managed to hold Michigan to just a field goal, something I can't remember ever seeing before. With the weapons you have at hand, OSU will be taking down LSU and winning the National Championship for the Big Ten. I may not be an actual OSU fan, but you'd better believe I'll be pulling for you to win it. And for Illinois to win the Rose Bowl.

But mostly why I signed up is because I love talking about college football with other football fans, lately it's become almost an obsession. I even installed an application on Facebook to predict the scores and discussed it with other college football fans.

Sorry about the long introduction. I just had a lot to say here. Did I put it in the right place?


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MVillani1985;1032012; said:
I can tell some of you are thinking "here we go again.....", and to be honest, I don't blame you. I sort of knew that I'd be viewed with a suspicious eye at first because of that moron. I'll just let my posts speak for themselves.

What is your opinon about student teachers drinking and dressing like a pirate? Do you have ten or eleven posts of ideas on that?
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