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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

NextBuck;1484985; said:
It will be done oh wise one..

Nah I was only a fan of those teams because they were the local teams for me, and I needed to root for someone lol. Now that I'm older and wiser I have seen the light. That and I'll be paying OOS tuition :wink:

I'll be one of the few rooting for OSU in SoCal this year. :biggrin:

So you're saying you're a bandwaggon fan? Gotcha.

You won't be "one of the few", because there will be far more than a few. This isn't Cryami or USC you're talking about here. This is The Ohio State University.

NextBuck;1484986; said:
I don't know much about hockey :/

Fuckin' A.
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BUCKYLE;1485005; said:
So you're saying you're a bandwaggon fan? Gotcha.

You won't be "one of the few", because there will be far more than a few. This isn't Cryami or USC you're talking about here. This is The Ohio State University.

[censored]in' A.

I'm a bandwagon fan because I moved a lot as a kid and just rooted for the local teams? I had no connection to another team becuase my parents never went to college and we moved a lot. I was/am a fan of college football first and foremost.

I'm now going to be attending OSU, so I finally have a connection to a team that is bigger than it just being local so I can go to there games.

Plenty of recruits have this happen to them as kids. Look at all the kids from Florida on tOSU roster. Do you think they all rooted for Ohio State with the big three in Florida? No, they probably rooted for a Florida team but they eventually decided that tOSU was the best fit for them.

How can someone be a bandwagon fan when they are going to attend the university?

Also I said one of the few because OSU fans will probably be outnumbered 500 to 1 from USC fans in SoCal. Probably more
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NextBuck;1485011; said:
I'm a bandwagon fan because I moved a lot as a kid and just rooted for the local teams? I had no connection to another team becuase my parents never went to college and we moved a lot.

I'm now going to be attending OSU, so I finally have a connection to a team that is bigger than it just being local so I can go to there games.

Plenty of recruits have this happen to them as kids. Look at all the kids from Florida on tOSU roster. Do you think they all rooted for Ohio State with the big three in Florida? No, they probably rooted for a Florida team but they eventually decided that tOSU was the best fit for them.

How can someone be a bandwagon fan when they are going to attend the university?

The same way I can say I'm not a bandwaggon fan even tho I never went to college.

You're a bandwaggon fan because you've switched teams three times and you aren't even 20 yet I'm assuming.

How convenient that you liked Cryami when they were good. That doesn't help your "I'm not a bandwaggon fan" arguement.

It doesn't mean you can't become a true Buckeye. It just means up until you saw the light, you were a bandwaggon fan.
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BUCKYLE;1485016; said:
The same way I can say I'm not a bandwaggon fan even tho I never went to college.

You're a bandwaggon fan because you've switched teams three times and you aren't even 20 yet I'm assuming.

How convenient that you liked Cryami when they were good. That doesn't help your "I'm not a bandwaggon fan" arguement.

It doesn't mean you can't become a true Buckeye. It just means up until you saw the light, you were a bandwaggon fan.
Next thing you know, he'll be rooting for Syracuse in basketball and living in Happy Valley.
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BUCKYLE;1485016; said:
The same way I can say I'm not a bandwaggon fan even tho I never went to college.

You're a bandwaggon fan because you've switched teams three times and you aren't even 20 yet I'm assuming.

How convenient that you liked Cryami when they were good. That doesn't help your "I'm not a bandwaggon fan" arguement.

It doesn't mean you can't become a true Buckeye. It just means up until you saw the light, you were a bandwaggon fan.

I mean I understand where you are coming from. I guess I look like a bandwagoner. I just rooted for teams and players.

I also think you can be a fan without going to the college, but you probably had some connection to the university that I never had with another college before now.

I just rooted for the teams that were nearby since I could go to their games.

My thoughts on bandwagoners are that they only rooted for teams because said team was good. If you want to call me a bandwagoner because I rooted for multiple teams then thats ok, but if you're calling me one because you think I only rooted for those teams because they were good then you're wrong.
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NextBuck;1485025; said:
I mean I understand where you are coming from. I guess I look like a bandwagoner. I just rooted for teams and players.

I also think you can be a fan without going to the college, but you probably had some connection to the university that I never had with another college before now.

I just rooted for the teams that were nearby since I could go to their games.

My thoughts on bandwagoners are that they only rooted for teams because said team was good. If you want to call me a bandwagoner because I rooted for multiple teams then thats ok, but if you're calling me one because you think I only rooted for those teams because they were good then you're wrong.
He's mostly calling you a bandwagon fan because the offseason is boring. :p

Still, though, straighten up and fly right, young man.
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BUCKYLE;1485024; said:
There's no way someone could be that much of a bandwaggon fan.

If it were possible, I'd imagine that he'd be a Raiders fan too.

Syracuse basketball and Happy Valley? Come on guys... It's not like that. I wasn't some diehard fan for other teams. I just rooted for them. I just enjoy good football

Also when it comes to the NFL. I don't have a favorite team. Seriously, never found it nearly as interesting. I only watch it for the entertainment value and players I like.

Also if I was going to go completely bandwagon it would be UNC basketball and UF Football :P
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NextBuck;1484958; said:
I guess I'll introduce myself.

Soo my real name is Matt and currently I'm going to a JC in Cali. I have family in Ohio and have had family members who have attended the school. Well recently I decided that I wanted to attend OSU, so I'm currently applying and should be a lock to get in next winter. Basically I'll be attending in Jan 2010. (Sucks I wont be able to see a game live this year)

I've always been a fan of college football, and I think I can bring a lot discussion wise to the boards. I'll be honest though. Ohio State was never my childhood favorite. I grew up in Miami and SoCal, so I always rooted for those local teams. Yes, I rooted for Miami in 2002 lol.

But!! I've always respected OSU, and have always thought that the OSU vs Michigan game was the greatest rivalry in sports. I don't get why Auburn and Bama fans think their rivalry is better.

Now with me most likely getting into the school and attending it, I guess I'm making my lifetime loyalty to the buckeyes over the next couple of months (It's not a overnight process). Between the family tradition at the school and now me attending it in the near future, I guess I should have always known it was going to end up like this :P

Well, hopefully we can have some good football discussion and maybe I can get some advice from you guys before I begin my OSU career as a student.

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BUCKYLE;1485037; said:

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