Nutriaitch;1066160; said:Maybe it does, at least indirectly. I think maybe since before the Civil War actually kicked-off, southerners kinda bonded and stuck together with that "us vs. the world" mentality. I don't know if that brotherhood type feeling exists among northern states or not, but it does among the Gulf coast states for sure. So while I don't think chanting SEC has anything to do with "fuck the north", the atmosphere surrounding the war may have helped contribute to this attitude of "togetherness" the SEC seems to have.
With that being said, I still hope Auburn is swallowed by a large sinkhole of raw sewage and Phat Phuck Phil chokes to death on a twinkie. And while we're at it, screw Bama too. And geaux to hell Ole Piss! I think that about covers it.
I would agree with this. That while it isn't a north-south thing now, the war of northern aggression created the us vs "the world" atmosphere that is prelevant now. And that applies to southern non-sec schools in florida and and georgia and virginia, in addition to the northern schools. SEC fans take pride in their conferance.
I hate auburn and phat phil and bama as well, but for some reason, i root for them in their bowls. Especially Auburn, that is team i hate the worst. Good grief, i hate auburn...hate em
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