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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

A lot of them have gone full on BWI after this. Knowing the refs by name, tracking the smiles and butt slaps after each snap and the collusion they prove, knowing how the league conspired to protect OSU (I guess they could only conspire so much in one year to avoid going the other way in happy valley?), knowing that Urban tried to get Drevno hired away by FAU to cripple Michigan, tried to get Harbaugh hired away by LA (and then lied about it when it wasn't happening). These aren't the crazy contributions of fringe message board trolls either. These are mainstream viewpoints by large swaths of the michigan boards.

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I had a nice giggle when Wilbon on PTI predicted that Hairball would be gone in 3yrs tops. That's actually my prediction as well. Kornheiser thought he wouldn't leave until he beats TOSU(which none of us see happening anytime soon)
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A lot of them have gone full on BWI after this. ...knowing that Urban tried to get Drevno hired away by FAU to cripple Michigan, tried to get Harbaugh hired away by LA (and then lied about it when it wasn't happening). These aren't the crazy contributions of fringe message board trolls either. These are mainstream viewpoints by large swaths of the michigan boards.

Urban is seriously inside their head now. Everything bad that happens to them is now considered to be his fault. That dead battery in your car? Yeah, Meyer came over last night and turned your headlights on while you were asleep. The flat tire you get on the highway? Urban strategically placed some nails at the end of your driveway. That one lost sock every time you do laundry? Urban is breaking into your house when you're not looking and taking it. He's doing all of this and more.......All just to mess with you scUM fans. When Harbawl does eventually have his meltdown/breakdown & decides to abandon them for the greener pastures of the NFL....that, my friends will be one glorious day.
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The idea of Jimmah leaving tsun fans high and dry is indeed orgasmic but I don't think it's ever going to happen.

Rainman liked his routine where Woppner came on at 4, he wore Kmart underwear etc etc. Harman has found a place on this earth where people actually accept his whack job bullshit and enable his fantasy of making every year 1986 again.
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WATCH: Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh gets on stage and sings — SINGS! — with Lil Dicky


If you had Dicky — his parents call him David Andrew Burd — in “Jim Harbaugh Celebrity Bingo,” then Wednesday was your lucky day.

Dicky/Burd, the popular rapper/comedian whose debut album in 2015 went to No. 1 in both the Billboard U.S. rap and comedy charts, posted a video to Twitter of a recent appearance in Michigan that included a meeting with a certain Wolverines football coach backstage, followed by invitation to join the concert and sing “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

The exchange starts at the 1:16 mark — please note, the language preceding it is extremely NSFW — and Harbaugh, unsurprisingly, totally accepts the challenge:

Entire article: https://www.landof10.com/michigan/watch-michigan-coach-jim-harbaugh-gets-stage-sings-sings-lil-dicky

Not only is he a "jive turkey", he is a "jive turkey" with absolutely no singing ability what so ever.

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The idea of Jimmah leaving tsun fans high and dry is indeed orgasmic but I don't think it's ever going to happen.

Rainman liked his routine where Woppner came on at 4, he wore Kmart underwear etc etc. Harman has found a place on this earth where people actually accept his whack job bull[Mark May] and enable his fantasy of making every year 1986 again.
Will they still accept it when he's 0-3 or 0-4 against Ohio State and hasn't won a Big Ten Title, let alone a National Title yet? Or will the act be wearing thin at that point?
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For those who say he can't get wound any tighter, I absolutely believe he can. I think he absolutely needs to pull off what should be an upset next year. If he starts out 0-3, the crazy dial will absolutely go to 11 in 2018. And I just don't see him doing it with the team that Ohio State will have coming back and what I'm sure is an increasing desire for Urban to publicly slap this clown back to the NFL.
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