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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Here come the excuses for recruits not coming to scUM

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Eh, Washington was fortunate that the B1G and Big 12 champs both had 2 losses. They would be on the outside looking in if they had 2 as well.

I'd say it's going to be decently rare that we see 2 loss teams make it into the (4 team) playoff. It would take a lot for them to put a 2 loss team over a 1 loss team.
Which supports the argument that a strong conference helps a team get into the playoffs.
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Surely your heart is not so cold and dark that you failed to take full enjoyment from those 45-whatever thrashings of crappy RichRod teams.
Where do you get the notion that I don't enjoy a game in which Ohio State thoroughly annihilates Michigan? But I enjoy a thrashing more when a Michigan team misses out on an NC possibility, like say the 1968 game...
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