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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Man I hope we win this year, Michigan has everything vacated/future bowl suspensions, and after our game Ryan lays into Jim.

Something that covers the following points would be awesome.

1. You had to cheat to win
2. How’s it feel seeing your university fall apart in front of your eyes?
3. I hope it was worth trashing your university for a title that was vacated
4. Some people get caught stealing home base and think they hit a triple.
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Chargers coach Jim Harbaugh's workout video adds to viral offseason​

The workout tradition dates back to Harbaugh's first head-coaching gig 20 years ago when he was at the University of San Diego, where players renamed a campus hill "Harbaugh Hill." Harbaugh used to sprint up the hill with his athletes to exhaustion. Once, he vomited midstride and didn't stop running.

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Same shit as Jabril Peppers and so many others. When you're writing articles about how quirky or goofy the coach is instead of the COACHING things the coach does, I don't want you as my coach. When your main trait during draft day is that you can do backflips, I don't want you as my first round draft pick.

Oh looky.....he's not wearing a shirt and he's doing sleepovers and he's pulling a sled with the players. What an off the wall goofball. Fuck off....just coach.
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Same shit as Jabril Peppers and so many others. When you're writing articles about how quirky or goofy the coach is instead of the COACHING things the coach does, I don't want you as my coach. When your main trait during draft day is that you can do backflips, I don't want you as my first round draft pick.

Oh looky.....he's not wearing a shirt and he's doing sleepovers and he's pulling a sled with the players. What an off the wall goofball. Fuck off....just coach.
Id argue any article about the head coach isn’t a good thing typically
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