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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

If anybody up there had any balls, they'd tell Harbrau to get the hell on. Shit, they should've done it weeks ago so they could start looking for a replacement.
I think they want to let him walk with out firing him, not because of the buy out, thats couch cushion change to Ross. They can't bring themselves to fire a michigan man(tm). It would be the ultimate admission of failure.

At this point, what benefit is it to either for Harbrau to be brought back? You've spent well over a month with no real idea where you're going and who is going to be the leader of your program going forward. It's crystal clear Harbaugh doesn't want to be there. Do you think those kids are going to give their all for him next season of you bring him back & extend him?
Even worse every player on that team knows how many were really out with covid/contact tracing. If as we all suspect they exaggerated the numbers to avoid an asskicking no way they respect the coaching staff anymore. A whole new staff is the only way you're getting effort from them next fall.
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I think they want to let him walk with out firing him, not because of the buy out, thats couch cushion change to Ross. They can't bring themselves to fire a michigan man(tm). It would be the ultimate admission of failure.
Which is just stupidity of the highest order. There are no secrets this day in age. Everybody knows he's out looking for an NFL job and would prefer that over coaching another game there. This strict adherence to this "_ichigan _an" bullshit and whatever hackneyed code they have is utterly absurd and does real damage. Not that I'm complaining, mind you...:slappy:
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I think they want to let him walk with out firing him, not because of the buy out, thats couch cushion change to Ross. They can't bring themselves to fire a michigan man(tm). It would be the ultimate admission of failure.

Or perhaps he is trying to force them to fire him.

I have to admit that however bad of a coach he has been I honestly thought the man had some level of integrity. I really thought it was about more than just the money. But how can you take that much money when it was clearly based on expectations that you have not come close to meeting? He should be the one offering to take a serious pay cut with zero buy out just to prove that he is here to deliver. Instead it appears he is all about the paycheck.

And the ego.
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Or perhaps he is trying to force them to fire him.

I have to admit that however bad of a coach he has been I honestly thought the man had some level of integrity. I really thought it was about more than just the money. But how can you take that much money when it was clearly based on expectations that you have not come close to meeting? He should be the one offering to take a serious pay cut with zero buy out just to prove that he is here to deliver. Instead it appears he is all about the paycheck.

And the ego.

Xanax man... that shit’s expensive. Someone’s got to pay the bills.
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Let's pretend Rainman comes back. How in the hell does he recruit? Their recruiting is already light years behind the big boys, how is it not going to get worse? This guy is going to have to go into living rooms (with cleats) and sell kids and their parents on his program...a program he is clearly trying to get away from. I'm sure blue chip recruits will line up to play for that...

No pipeline in Ohio (thanks JT), no national recruiting strategy (outside New England), and even the good 3* from Ohio now have UC, Kentucky, IU, and others knocking on their doors.

I hate to see this.
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So, I’ve spent the better part of the last hour reading various online sources discussing rumors for every HC vacancy in the NFL. Not a single mention of Jim Harbaugh for any of the jobs. Not one outside of fanboy blogs. Not a single reputable reporter mentions Rainman for any of those jobs. Nada. Nobody outside of the tsun echo chamber seems to think he has a shot in hell at landing one of those jobs.
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Let's pretend Rainman comes back. How in the hell does he recruit? Their recruiting is already light years behind the big boys, how is it not going to get worse? This guy is going to have to go into living rooms (with cleats) and sell kids and their parents on his program...a program he is clearly trying to get away from. I'm sure blue chip recruits will line up to play for that...

I don't think you understand man, they landed a 5* QB, a 5* RB, and a 4* WR. Recruits are sick of seeing us, Bama, and Clemson in the playoff. The top 3 classes are finally about to start rolling in for him
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So, if I'm reading this correctly (and I like to think that I am), you've got a program that has been on a steady 5 year decline. You've got a coach who, despite all expectations to the contrary, has piloted that decline. The administration no longer wants that coach to continue, but is willing to allow it because that seems easier than to conduct yet another search, especially at this late date. The coach himself doesn't want to be there, as illustrated by the continued cold-calling NFL programs looking for interviews, with seemingly no takers - not even the Lions.

Yeah, this extension seems like a pretty great thing for pretty much everyone - except ttun, Harbaugh and the dfbia. For them, it seems like it could be a monumental disaster.
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So, I’ve spent the better part of the last hour reading various online sources discussing rumors for every HC vacancy in the NFL. Not a single mention of Jim Harbaugh for any of the jobs. Not one outside of fanboy blogs. Not a single reputable reporter mentions Rainman for any of those jobs. Nada. Nobody outside of the tsun echo chamber seems to think he has a shot in hell at landing one of those jobs.

Same. At this point, I'd be downright shocked if he got an NFL HC job. Like, bet my life savings shocked.

...which makes this whole sh*tshow all the more baffling. Harbaugh clearly has zero self-awareness (shocking, I know), and yet Manuel/the UM brass seem perfectly content with letting a coach that no one else wants string them along for as long as he wants.
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Same. At this point, I'd be downright shocked if he got an NFL HC job. Like, bet my life savings shocked.

...which makes this whole sh*tshow all the more baffling. Harbaugh clearly has zero self-awareness (shocking, I know), and yet Manuel/the UM brass seem perfectly content with letting a coach that no one else wants string them along for as long as he wants.

Maybe, just maybe the administration up there does actually have a slight clue what they're doing and are letting Jimbo go out and test the market, knowing full-well there is less than no demand for his services. Then, when he finishes up his Rainman Rumspringa and returns to the Administration to sign his extension, they'll yank it back from him and tell him that the previous offer no longer stands and throw a whole different set of terms in front of him.
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