Remembered something this morning. It's an event that repeatedly took place at this point in the calendar--the Sunday morning after The Game.
Back in the mid-90's while Cooper was coaching, my daughter was in a choir. At that time, the City Center mall downtown was still a big deal. They'd kick off the holiday shopping season by having various people come in and perform Christmas music in the elaborately decorated center of the mall, my daughter's choir among them. The Hyatt next door had a connecting corridor to the mall, and provided one of their banquet areas as a green room for the performers.
I remembered the kid and I having a conversation back then about how, year after year, we'd pass the same somber-faced, dejected young men in the hallway who looked like they were attending a wake. tOSU had some kind of event for the football players at the Hyatt that Sunday morning every year. So we'd be there so my daughter could serenade the happy shoppers, and guys from the team would be there having their breakfast of cold crow after losing yet another game to scum.
It was an Annual Holiday Tradition.