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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

5-3 would be a problem. Just suspect that if there are no guidelines, it would end up being five from the SEC and 3 alsorans.
Right now we don't see five from the SEC in the top eight. Hell, we have three from the B1G in the top seven right now (which will change after the B1G CCG), so I don't have any worries about any SEC takeover.

Yea. 5 P5 champs. Highest rated G5. 2 At-Large. First round games on campuses of top 4 seeds.
Still keep the highest ranked eight, regardless of conference...absolutely no auto-bids. I completely agree, though, with first-round games being held at the home field of the top four seeds. Play those games the third Saturday of December, which would allow all the CCGs to be played, and depending on when they are played teams getting an extra week of rest. Also, with the first-round games being played the third Saturday, winners are guaranteed anywhere from 11 to 16 days rest/preparation for the semis on Dec 31st/Jan 1st.
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FOUR IS PLENTY! Why do we keep feeling the need to expand it. I havent seen a team ranked 5th yet that had a strong argument to be #1.. Once we get to 8 teams like tOSU and Bama dont even need to think about the regular season because its a given every year that they will be there.. college football is the best sport in america because EVERY GAME MATTERS.. each time we expand the playoff those games matter just a little bit less.
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Why not 64? Just spend the entire season having play-off games.

Eight. It should stop there. One for each conference champion, and left overs for the Indy/Wild cards. It hasn't happened yet, but one of these years there could be multiple undefeated teams without enough spots to go around. Anyway, with 8, virtually every year tOSU would have nothing to worry about.

Well, with 64 you'd probably be able to sneak in as 3rd place in the B1G East.

And for the record, I like 8 for the exact reasons you propose.
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Stay at four. There are plenty of examples throughout college football history where a legitimate argument could be made for the third or fourth team in the final regular season polls (‘98 Ohio State, ‘14 Ohio State). When we start getting to historical finishes for AP poll 5-8, there simply aren’t a lot of genuine title contenders in that group. That’s a cluster where we’re parsing undefeated MAC or Mountain West champs from 2 loss Power 5 teams. Four is fine.

Take this seasons first CFP poll and let’s say we go chalk all the way and get the worst case scenario: 2 SEC teams and ND. That leaves one spot for either Oklahoma, Clemson, or Ohio State.

Ohio State has nobody to blame but themselves. Beat Oklahoma AT HOME. OSU could have shit the bed against Indiana in the opener, just beat OU and they’d be fourth right now.
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Not the point. Several #5 (and #6) teams have had strong arguments to be #4, including both Oklahoma and Ohio State at this moment...

That's never-ending. In fact it gets worse. 9 will have a great case to be 8. 17 will have a great case to be 16. 33 will have a great case to be 32.
Is the point to determine #1? Or just to mimic the fake Pro Sports regular seasons in the US? I don't pay any attention to regular season in any US sport... it's meaningless. Make the playoffs and everything resets.
Is this supposed to find the best team over the course of 15 games... or just to play as a trivial seeding process for a Tournament.
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That's never-ending. In fact it gets worse. 9 will have a great case to be 8. 17 will have a great case to be 16. 33 will have a great case to be 32.
Is the point to determine #1? Or just to mimic the fake Pro Sports regular seasons in the US? I don't pay any attention to regular season in any US sport... it's meaningless. Make the playoffs and everything resets.
Is this supposed to find the best team over the course of 15 games... or just to play as a trivial seeding process for a Tournament.
Big difference between #9 getting jobbed out of the #8 position and #5 getting jobbed out of the #4 position. The CFP was created because of too many deserving teams getting left out under the BCS system when only two teams got in.
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