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Should Colleges Pay Players?

Don't like agents and these proposals would destroy the game as we know it.

But they make perfect sense. Far too much money being made when the kids don't get a fair slice. The house of cards that is CFB today will crumble some day. Just hope it hangs around as long as I do.
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Here's an interesting article....

...overall I don't agree with it; but he does have a few good points:

The Cam Newton Investigation Is Everything That's Wrong With The NCAA: Here's How To Fix It

On Monday, we explained why the Cam Newton investigation is everything that's wrong with the NCAA. But since we highlighted the problem, today, it's time to offer some solutions. How can we fix the NCAA? It won't be easy, but it takes five steps.

So, let's review the steps to fixing the NCAA:
  1. Control the Message: We're cleaning up college sports, not paying student-athletes.
  2. Get Congress on Our Side: Fight the NCAA's bureaucratic fire with fire.
  3. Amend Title IX and Get Pat Summitt on Our Side: Self-explanatory, and long-overdue.
  4. Give Premium Scholarships to Big-Time Athletes: Not a salary, just better scholarships.
  5. Let the Free Market Police The Cheaters: Transparent competition breeds conformity.

Entire article: http://www.sbnation.com/ncaa-football/2010/11/17/1815927/cam-newton-investigation-ncaa-auburn
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I think the NFL should be able to draft players whenever they choose to, and to pay the players a salary, while the players are in college. I really don't see much difference in principle between this and a co-op education program. The same should apply to basketball players, hockey and baseball players too.

As regards the universities paying players, I absolutely oppose that. To the extent football (or basketball) players are paid, that takes money away that would otherwise be available for scholarships in non-revenue sports. Bad idea all around.
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MaxBuck;1813549; said:
I think the NFL should be able to draft players whenever they choose to, and to pay the players a salary, while the players are in college. I really don't see much difference in principle between this and a co-op education program. The same should apply to basketball players, hockey and baseball players too.

As regards the universities paying players, I absolutely oppose that. To the extent football (or basketball) players are paid, that takes money away that would otherwise be available for scholarships in non-revenue sports. Bad idea all around.

So, if you think it should be run as a co-op situation, what classes are they required to take for said benefit and what GPA do they need to qualify?

As far as your second statement, I agree 100%.
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MaxBuck;1813643; said:
Academic requirements should remain unchanged.
Not what I meant. For instance, an engineering major has to have certain core classes towards their major under their belt before they can apply for a co-op position in the engineering field of their choice. My question was what classes would you feel be required for an athlete to "co-op" with a professional team?
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buxfan4life;1813649; said:
Not what I meant. For instance, an engineering major has to have certain core classes towards their major under their belt before they can apply for a co-op position in the engineering field of their choice. My question was what classes would you feel be required for an athlete to "co-op" with a professional team?
Athletes should be free to pursue the major they wish - no differently from the current setup. They need to prepare themselves for life after professional athletics, even if they become pros in their chosen sports.
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MaxBuck;1813658; said:
Athletes should be free to pursue the major they wish - no differently from the current setup. They need to prepare themselves for life after professional athletics, even if they become pros in their chosen sports.
So you are fine with them pursuing a "General Studies" degree which most likely consists of a professor signing off on their "attendance" without having any direction of what they should actually be doing?

You stated it should be set up like other co-op programs. Please explain to me a co-op program example such as where an english major is working for a city planner. Never seen it personally.

You stated a general solution, that's great. Now give specifics on how it is to work where the student athlete maintains the actual student part of that title. In other words, the overall idea is intriguing, but the details are way to fuzzy for now.
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buxfan4life;1813670; said:
So you are fine with them pursuing a "General Studies" degree which most likely consists of a professor signing off on their "attendance" without having any direction of what they should actually be doing?

You stated it should be set up like other co-op programs. Please explain to me a co-op program example such as where an english major is working for a city planner. Never seen it personally.

You stated a general solution, that's great. Now give specifics on how it is to work where the student athlete maintains the actual student part of that title. In other words, the overall idea is intriguing, but the details are way to fuzzy for now.
I don't think I was vague at all; my position is that the academic side of the equation should remain unchanged. How is that "fuzzy?" Student-athletes today need to meet certain academic criteria today, and those won't change under my plan.
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NFL should fund a d leauge. For those athletes unwilling or incapable of going to college. It would remove virtually all the cheating and serious off-field problems. NCAA would lose some talented athletes, but it would be a small price to pay for getting rid of the hypocrisy that taints college football.
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ORD_Buckeye;1814097; said:
NFL should fund a d leauge.

They have one - it's called the NFC West.

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The average University of Texas football player is now worth more than $670,000 per year

We calculated the Fair Market Value of college football players at the 20 most profitable programs using data provided by the Department of Education. Using the NFL's most recent collective bargaining agreement in which the players receive a minimum of 47% of all revenue, each school's football revenue was split between the school and the athletes with the players' share divided evenly among the 85 scholarship players.


Entire article: http://www.businessinsider.com/college-football-player-value-2016-10?r=UK&IR=T
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