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SEC (It just means more.. even its losses are wins)

Reading the below portion of your post and this ^ is obvious. They truly believe they should be seen as Bama (Saban) x Early 00s Miami x Ohio State post Cooper x Early 00s USC x 90s Nebraska x Pre-forward pass Army, TCUN, & Notre Dame.

I hope you never meet any of their fans for your sanity's sake.
Ha. I'm pretty good at not taking people seriously and just laughing at funny opinions. To compare Texas with those teams is laughable, and I'm going to laugh at that opinion. (Yes, I know you multiplied all those teams together to get what Texas fans think they are.)

As an example, Steelers fans can be funny. Not all Steelers fans, but... check this out... So when I was in college and I worked as an intern, they had another intern from Austria, I think. Some German-speaking country. I'm pretty sure it was Austria. This was late-90s. There was another intern from Pittsburgh. And when those two guys met, the Pittsburgh guy found out right away that this was the Austrian's first trip to the United States, and then asked, right away, "Are you a Steelers fan?" I just laugh at how far people are out of touch with reality. The guy didn't know a single thing about American Football and you think there's a chance he's a Steelers fan?

I'm going to laugh at any fans who think Texas is going to be the biggest game on anyone's schedule, if Ohio State, Alabama, or Georgia (and probably other teams) are also on that schedule.

Also, I think my daughter killed my sanity. So I got that going for me...
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I'm going to laugh at any fans who think Texas is going to be the biggest game on anyone's schedule, if Ohio State, Alabama, or Georgia (and probably other teams) are also on that schedule.
ok, so let's go ahead and attempt to be realistic about this.
here is their 2024 schedule:

nobody cares what Colorado State, UTSA, or ULM think, so we'll skip those.
who else on this schedule will honestly view Texas as their biggest game of the year?

those assholes from Ann Arbor? nope
Mississippi State? nope
Oklahoma? OU fans seem to be genuinely anticipating an SEC schedule, and they have some really good games on the docket for year one, so maybe not.
Georgia? lol. not even top 3, maybe not top 4 if Clemson is worth a damn.
Florida? Georgia, LSU, Tennessee, FSU, and Miami are all bigger games for them.
Arkansas? probably, the Hogs hate them some Texas.
Kentucky? they're just waiting for basketball season
A&M? of course.

so nobody other than their old SWC/Big 8-12 opponents.
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