Nick Saban Awarded Nobel Prize for Mathematics
(AP) Atlanta. Nick Saban, Head Coach of the University of Alabama football team has been awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize for his ground breaking work in the field of Mathematics. Saban, 71, of Fairmont, West Virginia, was awarded the Nobel for his pioneering work of proving that in some circumstances, 2 is less than 1.
"Just astounding" said Kevin Devlin, Professor of Mathematics at Stanford University. "We in Mathematics have been dwelling under the illusion that numbers just progressed from 1 to 2 to 3 and so on. But Saban has clearly shown that in some cases, especially when arguing SEC football, that 2 can actually be less than 1."
Terence Tao, Professor of Mathematics at UCLA added "(Saban's) theorems have revolutionized our field. Here we thought we had watched Alabama lose 2 games to Ohio State's 1, yet we were wrong. Just an impressive array of work"
When reached for comment Saban's office replied that he was out recruiting new mathematicians ("Matheletes" in Saban's parlance) for the Alabama Math Department.
Saban is the first Nobel Prize winner from the University of Alabama since Billy Joe "Big Leroy" Jones was awarded for his trail blazing work in banjo playing theory in 1937.