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TooTallMenardo;2230371; said:
Matt Damon?
Bucknut24;2230374; said:


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Hey we're at a record high for today with two refugees, both of which happen to be fans of the two teams I despise most.

Don't take this personally new guys.. FUCK YOU. :biggrin:
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Bucknut24;2230392; said:

Deety;2230393; said:
Who done think whatcha do watcha doo wop bebop?


If I ever became mod (never, I know), I think that would effectively ruin the awesomeness that is GPA... Mainly because there's about 100 posts a day that are worthy of GPA in my book.

EDIT: ....And 95 of them come from my keyboard. :evil:
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Bucknut24;2230397; said:
o gawd, the day TooTall becomes a mod is the day Brian Kelley wins the Nobel Peace prize for nicest man

I know, right? :lol:

By the way, your shitty emoticons not working thread gummed up MY Google Chrome. Now my emoticons aren't working...

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