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San Francisco 49ers (official thread)

Welp Deebo is down. Getting carted off. Love their gameplans, but running your WR1 between the tackles so often is just asking for trouble. And here it is.

Glad he cashed in before the season. Smart dude.
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He is master at devising a run game.
You could ave 4.0 ypg under him.

Really wish it would have worked out for Trey Sermon there.

Day should require his staff (himself included) to spend time with Shanny studying his run game concepts.
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He is master at devising a run game.
You could ave 4.0 ypg under him.

Really wish it would have worked out for Trey Sermon there.

Day should require his staff (himself included) to spend time with Shanny studying his run game concepts.
Yeah, maybe incorrect wording on my part. His system pretty much makes just about any RB "plug and play." Look at the names that have thrived here. A huge portion were low draft picks or UFA's.
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I can't remember which show, but it was one of these guys: Florio, Chris Simms, Rich Eisen, Dan Patrick, Tom Peliserro. I think it was Pelissero.

One of those guys said that the 49ers were concerned that they misjudged Lance's lack of athleticism. The questions about him running up the middle so much were answered with "he isn't athletic enough to get to the outside." That's turning into a disaster. The front office is lucky they've hit home runs everywhere else.
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I can't remember which show, but it was one of these guys: Florio, Chris Simms, Rich Eisen, Dan Patrick, Tom Peliserro. I think it was Pelissero.

One of those guys said that the 49ers were concerned that they misjudged Lance's lack of athleticism. The questions about him running up the middle so much were answered with "he isn't athletic enough to get to the outside." That's turning into a disaster. The front office is lucky they've hit home runs everywhere else.
Brock Purdy MIGHT bail them out of a potentially disastrous move there. But, they are still painfully low on draft capital the next couple of years. They need to continue hitting ome runs with what they have.
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