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S Mike Doss (3x All B1G, 3x 1st Team All-American, National Champion, OSU HOF, CFB HOF)

I'll make sure to tell him that...

When he brought it up, I actually told him that it was no big deal and players did it all of the time, but I wanted to confirm that I didn't miss something. It sounds like either he was full of crap, or Doss mentioned it last year as a way to give Canton McKinley some publicity. Not that it makes any difference, but I'm leaning towards the first option.
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I do remember last year Shawn Springs announced his high school instead of The Ohio State University. I also remember hearing the reason he did that was because he was from the Washington DC area and since this was his first Monday night game with his new team he wanted to let the fans know he was from around there.
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Whoever that "someone" is, is an idiot because the Colts haven't even been on MNF yet this season so it's impossible that Doss could've even said that.

I thought they did the introductions for Sunday Night Football, also. If so, the Colts played the Ravens earlier this season for the Sunday night game. I may be wrong about the intros, but I don't think so.
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I thought they did the introductions for Sunday Night Football, also. If so, the Colts played the Ravens earlier this season for the Sunday night game. I may be wrong about the intros, but I don't think so.

They don't do the intros on the Sunday night games on ESPN. Even if Doss did it, which seems to be untrue at this point, I'm not sure how mentioning Canton McKinley instead of Ohio State means he's "pissed at tOSU"
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Heard an interview with Ben Roethlisberger earlier this week. He said he'd recorded a bunch of intros, some serious, some that were intended to be funny. He did a "The" one, too. I don't think he knew when a specific intro would be used.
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I think it would be cool for him to name his high school. It'd be awesome if someday A.J. Hawk said "Centerville Elks" when he is on MNF. If I were a MNF player, i'd say my H.S. once...I mean, come on...tOSU gets enough pub...but to give your HS some love, that's pretty cool.
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I do remember last year Shawn Springs announced his high school instead of The Ohio State University. I also remember hearing the reason he did that was because he was from the Washington DC area and since this was his first Monday night game with his new team he wanted to let the fans know he was from around there.

You are correct...and if you watched the Monday night game this year between the Skins and the Cowboys you would have seen Shawn Springs look directly into the camera and say 'THE Ohio State University'

:oh: :io:
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He sure looks pissed off:

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