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S Mike Doss (3x All B1G, 3x 1st Team All-American, National Champion, OSU HOF, CFB HOF)

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=yspsctnhdln>NFL reduces suspension of Colts safety Doss to 1 game</TD></TR><TR><TD height=7><SPACER height="1" type="block" width="1"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>September 8, 2005
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- The NFL conditionally reduced the suspension of Indianapolis Colts safety Mike Doss from two games to one game on Thursday.

League spokesman Steve Alic said the decision came after Doss appealed the penalty. The reduction, an unusual move by the NFL, was contingent on Doss' meeting with conditions imposed by the league, but Alic would not elaborate on those conditions.
But if Doss runs into any more problems, the second game of the suspension could be imposed, Alic said.

Doss was suspended in June for violating the league's personal conduct policy after pleading no contest to a misdemeanor gun charge in Akron, Ohio, where he was arrested for firing a weapon outside a restaurant.

He is now be eligible to play Sept. 18 against Jacksonville, and could be activated from the suspended list as early as Monday. The original suspension would have kept Doss off the field an additional week.

``If he complies with the conditions he's under, that would be it,'' Alic said.
Coach Tony Dungy was not immediately available for comment, and Colts spokesman Craig Kelley referred questions to league officials. A telephone message seeking comment was left for Doss' listed agent, Tom Condon.

Doss has started 24 games since 2003, when the Colts drafted him in the second round out of Ohio State. But he's been slowed by injuries. He missed one game his rookie season and six games last year because he was hurt.
He also missed all five preseason games and most of training camp with a groin injury. Dungy had said he wanted Doss to get significant playing time in the preseason because of the suspension.
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NFL reduces Doss' suspension

NFL reduces Doss' suspension
Associated Press


INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - The NFL on Thursday reduced the suspension of Indianapolis Colts safety Mike Doss from two games to one game.

League spokesman Steve Alic said the decision came after Doss appealed the penalty. The reduction, an unusual move by the NFL, was contingent on Doss' meeting with conditions imposed by the league, but Alic would not elaborate on those conditions. Doss could still be suspended for the second game if he fails to meet the league's requirements.

Doss was suspended in June for violating the league's personal conduct policy after pleading no contest to a misdemeanor gun charge in Akron, Ohio, where he was arrested for firing a weapon outside a restaurant. The suspension prevented him from attending team meetings.

He is now be eligible to play Sept. 18 against Jacksonville, and could be activated from the suspended list as early as Monday. The original suspension would have kept Doss off the field an additional week.

"If he complies with the conditions he's under, that would be it," Alic said.

A telephone message seeking comment was left for Doss' listed agent, Tom Condon.

Colts coach Tony Dungy said he was uncertain what led to the change, but was pleased that Doss would return sooner than expected.

"I'm sure they looked at all the facts and that's what they decided to," Dungy said. "It's really out of our hands and we've just decided to be thankful for whatever happens."

Doss has started 24 games since 2003, when the Colts selected him in the second round out of Ohio State. But he's been slowed by injuries. He missed one game his rookie season and six games last year because he was hurt.

He also missed all five preseason games and most of training camp with a groin injury. Dungy had said he wanted Doss to get significant playing time in the preseason because of the suspension.

Doss probably couldn't have played this week anyway, Dungy said after Thursday's practice, but getting him back should help solidify the Colts' revamped defense.

"The tough thing is not being in the meetings, not being here to rehab, us really not being able to help him," Dungy said. "But it is what it is. That's the policy, the league sets the policy and we adhere to it."
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Doss pissed at tOSU?

Someone told me that earlier this year Doss annouced his High School (Canton McKinley) during the TV's introduction of the starters instead of THE Ohio State University. Anyone know if this is true? If it is, anyone know why?
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ok, just b/c he announced his High School doesn't mean he's "pissed at tOSU".

I'm not sure if I saw the same game, but I saw a monday night game where a number of players announced their HS's (which are fun to mention, since they don't get tons of pro prospects most likely).
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Well, the Colts are on MNF tomorrow, so we can see what he says this time around. I have a feeling Doss wouldn't be mad at OSU. He bleeds S&G more than almost anyone on this planet.

One guy a few weeks ago said the name of the preschool he graduated from. It's oftentimes more of a joke for these guys to come up with something creative.
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Someone told me that earlier this year Doss annouced his High School (Canton McKinley) during the TV's introduction of the starters instead of THE Ohio State University. Anyone know if this is true? If it is, anyone know why?
Whoever that "someone" is, is an idiot because the Colts haven't even been on MNF yet this season so it's impossible that Doss could've even said that.
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