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S Mike Doss (3x All B1G, 3x 1st Team All-American, National Champion, OSU HOF, CFB HOF)

Remember last week when Colts safety Mike Doss became hero for a day for a victory-sealing interception of a Byron Leftwich pass. Good thing nobody took the Colts up on recent advances. What are we talking about? Several teams told FOXSports.com they recently heard from the Colts who have been offering up their safety in trade talks. Obviously, nobody has bitten as of yet

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Colts | Team reportedly looking to trade Doss
Sun, 1 Oct 2006 10:32:34 -0700

Jay Glazer, of FOXSports.com, reports the Indianapolis Colts have reportedly put S Mike Doss on the trade block. Several teams told FOXSports.com they heard the Colts had been offering Doss in trade talks.
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G-FORCE;622829; said:
Colts | Team reportedly looking to trade Doss
Sun, 1 Oct 2006 10:32:34 -0700

Jay Glazer, of FOXSports.com, reports the Indianapolis Colts have reportedly put S Mike Doss on the trade block. Several teams told FOXSports.com they heard the Colts had been offering Doss in trade talks.

He would look great as a Brown. :biggrin:

EDIT: Never mind... he'd get injured...
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Is it about dollars or sense?

Coming off a year in which he was a Pro Bowl alternate, Indianapolis Colts safety Mike Doss found himself dropped to second on the depth chart this season because of a training camp injury and a rookie?s early success. The move, though, may be more of business decision by the Colts.

In a month, Mike Doss watched two of his friends go from NFL players to NFL roster cuts. That is one of the reasons why the veteran Indianapolis Colts safety doesn?t take anything for granted in his professional life.

Doss does live off his reputation as a rare three-time All American at Ohio State, but the former McKinley High School star can?t pay the bills with certificates and plaques.

The combination of a calf injury during training camp and the Colts wanting to give rookie Antoine Bethea a chance cost Doss his starting position. When fellow veteran safety Bob Sanders missed the last two games with an injury, it opened the door back up for Doss.

He didn?t disappoint. In his first start, Doss picked off a Byron Leftwich pass to seal an Indianapolis win.

?I never had a slow start. They made the decision to play the young guy (Bethea),? Doss said. ?I have no idea if that will change when Bob gets back. I?m just taking it one day at a time, one week at a time. Healthwise, I?m fine. I?m just playing ball and having fun.?

The Colts have brought Doss along slowly this season. He played special teams the first two weeks and saw some defensive snaps. Last week, he was on the field for all the snaps.

?It?s definitely good to be out there,? Doss said. ?This is what I want to be doing. It?s what I work hard to be doing.?

What may be happening in Indianapolis is part of the business side of the NFL. It?s the side most people don?t see.

Doss is in the fourth year of a five-year contract he signed as a second-round pick in 2003. He will be a restricted free agent after this season.

A year ago, Doss was a Pro Bowl alternate. If he matches that season with another, teams will be interested in signing him, even though it means giving up a draft pick. If he plays less, the Colts likely get to keep him at less than $600,000 for the 2007 season.

If Doss signs with another team, he will get a guaranteed signing bonus that could set him up for life. He also could negotiate an extension with the Colts.

?Everything in the NFL is business,? Doss said. ?It?s a job. It?s a fun job, but it?s a job. Every day you have to go out there and perform, no matter if you?re a first-round (pick), second-round pick or an undrafted free agent. It?s a what-have-you-done-for-me-lately league.?

But a sixth-round pick starting in front of a four-year veteran? A veteran coming off a season that was just short of Pro Bowl status?

?It?s like PlayStation,? Doss said. ?When PlayStation3 comes out, it?s not like PlayStation2 isn?t any good now. Everyone just wants the latest and greatest thing. You have to show them you?re the latest and greatest thing at your position.

?I?m trying to show them I?m the same Mike Doss and the new-and-improved Mike Doss. Consistency is the key to being in this league. ... They have to make the business decision to get the young guys snaps. The coaches were here before Mike Doss, and the coaches will be here long after Mike Doss. You just respect their decisions.?


Last week, in a 31-28 win over the Jets, Doss had four tackles and a pass breakup.

The Colts play Tennessee today as Doss will get to face rookie QB Vince Young.

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