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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)

I remember when 21 sent the mods a PM telling us that he was starting a thread about Moeller but that we shouldn't get too excited because you had told him that Tyler was only really looking at schools like either Tennessee or Iowa. So for the first few weeks I think some of us just saw the thread and just gave it a casual glance. Fast forward to 3 months later and 20 pages of discussion about Bobby Boucher and we have our newest Buckeye. Congrats to Tyler and H&G!

I'm not lying...when Mixon backed off of OSU, you should have seen the look on Ty's face when I told him that OSU would offer him a scholarship...his jaw dropped...his mother told me I was crazy and all that good stuff...But if Tyler had offers from VaTech and Iowa that OSU would come knocking...and they did and I belive Tyler held out on committing to another school to hold out for that knock...Well, they didn't just knock, they blew open the door and I believe he's been a Buckeye for awhile now but that he wanted to contemplate everything before he announced it. I can't wait to call him tonight and congratulate him...what a great kid!
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Extend our congratulations and welcome as a Buckeye.

Also, do not think this gives you an excuse not to hang around the site. Regardless of the recruiting info you are a terrific member.

I will certainly pass on the congrats of BP and of all of Buckeye Nation...and thanks for the kind words.

...now, I have to make time to watch 'The Waterboy' tonight before I go to bed...


If you are interested, here is a link to www.yappi.com and you can read what some of us are saying about Tyler...(yappi, for those who don't know, is an Ohio High School sports site...I hope this site is not affiliated with Yappi's chief rival...)

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If you are interested, here is a link to www.yappi.com and you can read what some of us are saying about Tyler...(yappi, for those who don't know, is an Ohio High School sports site...I hope this site is not affiliated with Yappi's chief rival...)

Just wanted to quote this...people should check Yappi out, I just found out about it a couple of weeks ago...I hope it continues to grow as I don't really like JJHuddle since everything worthwhile became by subscription, the forums are okay, but the forum software is awful awful awful...hopefully some Central Ohio prep sports fans start posting on yappi, it seems dominated by NE and SW
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