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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)


He probably has to call all the teams that were recruiting him before he announces. I don't think its a rumor. I love it. I hope they redshirt him. This is huge! He will be a bigger catch than most people (outside this site) realize.
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Anytime you need a bigger wink, you should go with this guy:
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Keep the great updates coming.

A buddy of mine went to the Colerain / Lee game and he said that hands down Moeller and Smith were the best players on the field that night.

Wasn't even close.

Two plays that stood out were the play that he chased the QB to the other side of the field for a sack (the play where his helmet came off) and the nearly blocked punt...both plays showed his quickness, speed and leverage.

Also...did anybody see Connor's block on the Lee LB in the third quarter?? Gary Pride fumbled the ball and picked it up in time to pitch it back to Terrance Sherrer (#27) and Terrance fought off a couple of Lee players to get the ball back to the line of scrimmage. (the ball was on Lee's 25 yard line)...after the whistle I look up and Connor had driven his man out of the BACK OF THE ENDZONE!

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Colerain LB commits to OSU

Tyler Moeller, a standout senior linebacker for the Colerain football team, gave an oral commitment today to Ohio State.

The 6-foot-2, 205-pound Moeller has five sacks in three games this season. He also starred on last year's Division I state title team.

Colerain coach Kerry Coombs said Moeller's final three choices were OSU, Iowa and Miami (Ohio).

"We've been playing football at Colerain for 77 years and this is the first time we've had two kids commit to the same Big 10 school in one year," Coombs said. "And that gives us three Big 10 kids this year."

Colerain's other OSU verbal is offensive lineman Connor Smith, who announced for the Buckeyes in August. Also, Colerain linebacker Cobrani Mixon has declared for Michigan.
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