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Trust me, the statue will be playing on the 15th, we'll see Mallett next year, though I think he's going to do a lot for scUM next year, he's got a lot of confidence now and that should carry on to the first time he starts on his own.
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OCBucksFan;937793; said:
Trust me, the statue will be playing on the 15th, we'll see Mallett next year, though I think he's going to do a lot for scUM next year, he's got a lot of confidence now and that should carry on to the first time he starts on his own.

Mallet doesn't know any better than to beat us. Vloyd would be stupid to start Henne.
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Ryan Mallet has magical powers that allow him to stop the defense from moving... how else do you explain a 6'7" QB with a 5 flat forty time to walk into the endzone... its not exactly like you can miss him, and damn I knew Guards at Miami U who ran better forty times.

So that is my empirical evidence that yes, Ryan Mallet indeed does have magic or at least telekenetic powers.
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