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I was told that during a severe draught in Texas, Ryan Mallet through a ball so high into the sky, during a high school game, that the clouds burst open with a torrential downpour. This my friends is how Ryan Mallet saved Texas.

It's totally true, my friend's, second cousin's, uncle twice removed's, college roommate's daughter-in-law saw it with her own eyes. I s*** you negative.
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I was told that during a severe draught in Texas, Ryan Mallet through a ball so high into the sky, during a high school game, that the clouds burst open with a torrential downpour. This my friends is how Ryan Mallet saved Texas.

It's totally true, my friend's, second cousin's, uncle twice removed's, college roommate's daughter-in-law saw it with her own eyes. I s*** you negative.
A college room mate has a daughter in law? :slappy:
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Michigan's freshman QB Mallett is cool customer


ANN ARBOR - Mike Hart knows all about the razor thin line that separates cocky and confident. He knows being self-assured can easily be interpreted as arrogance. Yet the Michigan running back loves functioning in that no-man's land. And one of the reasons Hart is so comfortable with freshman quarterback Ryan Mallett is that Mallett is often labeled as possessing the same traits. "That's one thing I'm not worried about with Mallett, his confidence," Hart said about the 6-7, 250-pounder from Texarkana, Ark., who has been pressed into a starting role with the Wolverines following a knee injury to senior Chad Henne.

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