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Rose Bowl - USC 32, Michigan 18 (FINAL)

Terrible pick by Henne.

That Jarrett play looked like a catch and a fumble to me. I think USC caught a break with the quick whistle.

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buxfan4life;701792; said:
Did he ever really have possession? I don't know if that review was the right call. Should have been ruled incomplete imo.


I think after watching it a few times on the TIVO I agree with BB73 now....

It was a fumble after a catch but the quick whistle stopped the play.
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You know how our receivers help out Troy when he's in trouble? Manningham doesn't do that. And I don't think Michigan's playcalling could be more predictable. How bout mixing in a first down pass every now and then Deborg. New offensive coordinator, same offensive philosophy. The more things change in Ann Arbor, the more they stay the same.
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