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Rose Bowl - USC 32, Michigan 18 (FINAL)

osugrad21;701819; said:
My coaching advice for the Michigan sideline:

i gave you green, but that deserves a GPA.
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BuckeyeMike80;701828; said:

for some reason I think USC stole it from someone else....

Someone who has the initals V and Y

Vince Young ran like 2 plays from under center all year. He ran from shotgun approximately eleventy billion times.

J. D. Booty talking to Troy Smith:
"So it was pretty easy to pass on Michigan?"
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R0CK3TM4NN;701833; said:
Vince Young ran like 2 plays from under center all year. He ran from shotgun approximately eleventy billion times.

J. D. Booty talking to Troy Smith:
"So it was pretty easy to pass on Michigan?"


Although as we've seen in the NFL, Vince loves to run when his first couple options throwing aren't open.

And I don't think anyone can blame him. If you can run like that, why NOT?
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