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Rivalries and Conferences (Split from LSU v. OSU Offensive Personnel Thread)

Sheesh, talk about a stupid argument. I don't expect SEC people to get, care about, hell or even watch the tOSU/UM game. But I also don't expect them to come belittle it, I honestly don't give a flying moose-shit what you think about our rivalry, or our conference, hell, really, or even our team or myself. Honestly, at this point, I was hoping for more intelligent football discussion, but instead it's turned into this side-ways pissing contest that's just got friggin' annoying. Does anyone here ACTUALLY think they are going to change any opinions from the other side?

Yes, we have the best band, fans, most tradition and history as well as the greatest rivalry ever to hit any sport, Jesus himself reincarnates on the day of the Game when it's in Columbus just to root for the Bucks! And you know what? that's how we feel about all of this, does that mean that's how you need to feel? No, but does that mean you should argue? No, because it's how we feel, it's not how we expect you to feel but this stupidity of "No one cares about your rivalry anymore" has gotten to the point where it's almost trash talking.

I thought this thread was discussing LSU and OSU offensive players? Not who's conference has better opponents, who has the best rivalry or any of that bullshit. Just get-fucking-over it, we're not going to say "you're right, Michigan and Ohio State has no meaning" because we live and die by the outcome of that game and bleed when it it happens.

So just stop.
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Tigertracker;1036055; said:
Let me see if I have this straight. I read on the posts here that you have the best coach, the best band, the best fan base, the best rivalry, you are smarter, you watch more TV games, you have more teeth, etc. and you have the gall to call SEC fans "Arrogant nitwits" Just how many NC has your conference won in the last 25 years or so? I try to be polite on other teams boards, but you are condeming people that you don't know. Have you ever been to a game at an SEC school or are you basing your opinion on message boards. I have been to OSU a couple of times and had a good time, I met some good people and met a couple of jackasses, same as at any other school I have been to. With the exception of some of your "Fans" mugging our mascot and stealing his tiger suit, all went well. Did it ever occur to you that the reason we have so much Conference pride is because we have so many good teams in it.

Let me see if I have this straight. You come on an Ohio State board and you're appalled that we think that we have the best coach, best band, best fanbase and best rivalry? Do you see me going on an LSU board and chastizing you for the opinions you hold about your team? God, the stupidity and fragility of some college football fans astounds me.:slappy:
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You obviously haven't been to our site. We have a lot of those doomsday end of the world types. Where the coach sucks, the team is undisciplined, and our logo looks like toonces. Seriously we have some great fans, but we also have some that need a lot of prozac.
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NFBuck;1036080; said:
Let me see if I have this straight. You come on an Ohio State board and you're appalled that we think that we have the best coach, best band, best fanbase and best rivalry? Do you see me going on an LSU board and chastizing you for the opinions you hold about your team? God, the stupidity and fragility of some college football fans astounds me.:slappy:
No, you do not have it straight. I have no problem with you or anyone else thinking your team/ conference/coach/etc. is the best. What I have a problem with is someone that may not agree with you or think the same thing about their team/ conference/coach/etc. is labled an "Arrogant nitwit"
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covtowntiger7;1036086; said:
You obviously haven't been to our site. We have a lot of those doomsday end of the world types. Where the coach sucks, the team is undisciplined, and our logo looks like toonces. Seriously we have some great fans, but we also have some that need a lot of prozac.

We keep those folks on a separate board.

We call it Bucknuts.

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COTiger;1036029; said:
I guess I'm in the minority of your characterization of SEC fans. :biggrin: I enjoy watching all college ball games as long as they are competitive. I'm old enough to remember watching Big 10 footballl in the 3 yards and a cloud of dust era. I would agree with your assessment that a lot of SEC fans are only interested in SEC football. Whether the number approaches a majority or not, I don't know. I also think your characterization of the bulk of SEC fans being idiots is unfair and since I'm a guest on your board I'll let it go at that.

Well, in fairness, I'm speaking with some history on the Yahoo Smack Boards in mind. As I said in my rep comment to you, I openly admit that the bulk of you LSU fans on this board have been a welcome departure from the "rule." Most of you have "SEC Pride" but you're also reasonable about it. That's fine, and would not be the subject of my semi-rant. To be sure, there are enough idiot Big Ten fans to go around as well. But, and I'm trying to be objective about this, SEC fans, pound for pound "don't get it" on the big scale.

Tigertracker;1036055; said:
Let me see if I have this straight. I read on the posts here that you have the best coach, the best band, the best fan base, the best rivalry, you are smarter, you watch more TV games, you have more teeth, etc. and you have the gall to call SEC fans "Arrogant nitwits" Just how many NC has your conference won in the last 25 years or so? I try to be polite on other teams boards, but you are condeming people that you don't know. Have you ever been to a game at an SEC school or are you basing your opinion on message boards. I have been to OSU a couple of times and had a good time, I met some good people and met a couple of jackasses, same as at any other school I have been to. With the exception of some of your "Fans" mugging our mascot and stealing his tiger suit, all went well. Did it ever occur to you that the reason we have so much Conference pride is because we have so many good teams in it.

Hopefully my comments above help with your post here. In any case, there is no question that Buckeyes have Buckeye homers, and I think to a lesser extent are there "Big Ten Homers" That is, we tend to homer our individual teams, whereas SEC folks take it the next step and yack up the COnference. I guess the way I see it.... If Auburn wins it's bowl game, you guys trumpet that as a victory. And while I'm perfectly happy with Michigan winning a bowl game, I damn well don't "Root" for it, and if they get embarrassed, I laugh... and laugh... and laugh...

Does that make sense?

I certainly didn't mean to insult the LSU contingent here, as I thought I had been clear that you guys have been a welcome relief from the typical (typical, in my view)

Does OSU have the best coach? I don't know. But, I do know I wouldn't trade him for any other. Best? Eh.. is there such a thing?

Best band? Yes. On this, OSU does indeed have the best band. But.. it's still only a band. Relax. (some OSU fans REALLY do the band thing, and that's fine, but I confess to not being that guy)

Best Rivalry? Yes. As I indicated pages ago, there is only one The Game, and it belongs to Ohio State and Michigan. There are other rivalries, and they are important. They are not The Game. If you have 2 rivalries, you have 1 too many.

As for the remainder, ever team and conference has their idiots. In my estimation (and it's just MY estimation) the SEC has more. Individual team wise, the title belongs to Miami, with Oklahoma a close second (at least on Yahoo... haven't had many dealings with them since) If I had to rank visiting fan bases, I would at this point put LSU right behind Texas and ahead of Oky St. THat's a compliment.

Titles in the last 25 years? Well... there's Ohio State's 2002 Title, of course... and Michigan's 1997 Title. But, that's it. It is what it is. I could go on about various problems, mentioning 1994 Penn State and 1996 Ohio State and how they should have NCs, but it won't make any difference to you. But, I will say this... Miami won a number of Title in that time frame, 5 I think it is.... Does that mean the Big East is a "great conference?" OF course not.

I freely admit I am basing this on message boards, and individual meetings with fans in real life. I have not been to an SEC game in the flesh. I can tell you this, though, I do not take issue with your passion for your teams, your conference or the games played. I only take issue with your presentation... and again, I don't mean "you" necessarily. My point is simply that the reputation of SEC fans among the rest of us is that you're all delusional nutcases who don't know the first thing about football outside of the region. Right or wrong, that's the reputation. That doesn't mean individuals such as yourself aren't good people, or even that you fall in to the "norm" Gatorubet is one of my favorite posters on this board... Considering the year OSU had against Florida, I should hate that guy. :p

Anyway... on the issue of "so many good teams in it" Let me ask you this... Why is it when Kentucky - which sucks - is "good" we all hear about how powerful the SEC is. When Illinois - which sucks - is good, we hear about how down the Big Ten is? See what I'm driving at here? "Great teams" is a bit of a stretch. How great is Mississippi State? Ole Miss? Kentucky? Vandy? Alabama has been shit for years. Florida has been good since spurrier, a joke before that. (0-11 as recently as 1979) LSU went longer than OSU between titles (1957 to 2003, compared to 1968 to 2002) Georgia? Eh... nice pedigree... what have you done for me lately? Tennessee? Please. This isn't the mid 90s. Auburn? Come on. Seriously? Auburn? If 9-3 is what you want, there's your team. Arkansas... I laugh. Able to put together a run from time to time, but usually a middling team... probably not a real SEC team anyway... more of a Big XII team. South Carolina has been shit forever, though their fans DO support them (I think it's just for the "Cock" hat) and they are in decent shape with Spurrier now.

So, as you can see, it's perception. You hang on Alabama, Tennessee, LSU, Georgia and Florida and to a lesser extent Auburn... on NAME Recognition. Only 2 of those teams are presently relevant.
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Hopefully my comments above help with your post here. In any case, there is no question that Buckeyes have Buckeye homers, and I think to a lesser extent are there "Big Ten Homers" That is, we tend to homer our individual teams, whereas SEC folks take it the next step and yack up the COnference. I guess the way I see it.... If Auburn wins it's bowl game, you guys trumpet that as a victory. And while I'm perfectly happy with Michigan winning a bowl game, I damn well don't "Root" for it, and if they get embarrassed, I laugh... and laugh... and laugh...

Does that make sense?

The teams in the SEC tend to root for each other against non conference teams because in the past the SEC got no respect throughout the nation. All of the sports writers and poll people were located on the coasts and we would seldom get the publicity the others did. The perception has changed in the media, but we still stick together

Titles in the last 25 years? Well... there's Ohio State's 2002 Title, of course... and Michigan's 1997 Title. But, that's it. It is what it is. I could go on about various problems, mentioning 1994 Penn State and 1996 Ohio State and how they should have NCs, but it won't make any difference to you. But, I will say this... Miami won a number of Title in that time frame, 5 I think it is.... Does that mean the Big East is a "great conference?" OF course not.

Certainly Miami's winning streak does not mean the Big East is a great conference, it only means that Miami was a great team. But when a conference wins 5 NC during that time with 4 different teams, yes, that means it's a great conference

Anyway... on the issue of "so many good teams in it" Let me ask you this... Why is it when Kentucky - which sucks - is "good" we all hear about how powerful the SEC is. When Illinois - which sucks - is good, we hear about how down the Big Ten is? See what I'm driving at here? "Great teams" is a bit of a stretch. How great is Mississippi State? Ole Miss? Kentucky? Vandy? Alabama has been shit for years. Florida has been good since spurrier, a joke before that. (0-11 as recently as 1979) LSU went longer than OSU between titles (1957 to 2003, compared to 1968 to 2002) Georgia? Eh... nice pedigree... what have you done for me lately? Tennessee? Please. This isn't the mid 90s. Auburn? Come on. Seriously? Auburn? If 9-3 is what you want, there's your team. Arkansas... I laugh. Able to put together a run from time to time, but usually a middling team... probably not a real SEC team anyway... more of a Big XII team. South Carolina has been shit forever, though their fans DO support them (I think it's just for the "Cock" hat) and they are in decent shape with Spurrier now.
So, as you can see, it's perception. You hang on Alabama, Tennessee, LSU, Georgia and Florida and to a lesser extent Auburn... on NAME Recognition. Only 2 of those teams are presently relevant.
Only 2 of those teams are presently relevent???????? We have 5 teams in the final BSC rankings.
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Tigertracker;1036264; said:
The teams in the SEC tend to root for each other against non conference teams because in the past the SEC got no respect throughout the nation. All of the sports writers and poll people were located on the coasts and we would seldom get the publicity the others did. The perception has changed in the media, but we still stick together
Nonsense. No respect? Are you friggin serious? What's with Bama's retro titles then? No respect? :shake: You're not the fucking Pac 10 with its East Coast bias crap. You're simply in the south. Give me a damn break.

Certainly Miami's winning streak does not mean the Big East is a great conference, it only means that Miami was a great team. But when a conference wins 5 NC during that time with 4 different teams, yes, that means it's a great conference
I don't think my argument is that the SEC isn't any good.
Only 2 of those teams are presently relevent???????? We have 5 teams in the final BSC rankings.

Yeah? How nice. 2 of them are relevant. Florida and LSU.
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